Tenement Ghetto Grow 1.0


What is up. First I wanted to do a PC case grow, then PC cases seemed too expensive and I couldn't find any that were exactly the right dimensions to suit me, so I threw the PC case Idea out and rethought my space. I live on the 6th floor of a walkup building, a small apartment. Above My washer/dryer, I have a storage space. I have decided to portion off part of it with plywood, and hang lights. The space is about 28 inches high by 28 inches wide, by 18 inches deep. The dryer vents to the outside of the building through this space, via a 4 inch duct. I have bought a splitter and a duct fan to vent my space, which brings me to my shopping list.

Duct Splitter $25.00
Duct Fan $25.00
150W HPS System $85.00 http://www.htgsupply.com/viewproduct.asp?productID=53025
Power Strip (free)
Extension Cord (Free)
Lighting Timer $12.00
Bunch of CFL Bulbs $25.00
100W HPS Fixture from Ebay (Gutted) $35.00
Some Dirt From Home Depot $10.00
Worm Castings From some guy on Ebay $14.00

Seeds from some really dank weed that I saved.

Things I need:
Mylar or Black and White Poly
Fan Speed Controller / Temperature activated
Some Real Fertilizer.

Right now I have 4 seedlings going 24 hours under cfl for about 3 weeks now. One came out earlier than the others, and is much bigger. I have already tied it back as this will be an LST grow due to limited space. Unfortunately I haven't paid much attention and burned the tips already. I will take some photos once the HPS arrives. Running Temps of 90 to 100 right now, shit gets installed slow in the ghetto. These babies smell good already, I tell ya. Well everything may have to wait but I am going to grow some dank ass weed in this secret little corner of my little apartment in new york city. Since I don't have much room, I am going to keep the pots small, flower early, and tie the plants back as they grow.


Ok, I threw one of the plants away, there were gazillions of soil mites (springtails) because I reused some potting soil for that one and forgot to sterilize it first.
The 150 watt HPS came and I hung it today. I will need some molding or black caulk to seal the edges of the grow area. Cables are all over the place too,
taking up half of the floor space. I need to maybe place the remote ballast outside of the box and zip tie the rest of the cables. Going to install some CFL's
and I also have a 100W HPS that I would like to maybe use on the bottom or side. This could all be overkill for a 28 x 21 x 21 space, but after reading
zillions of posts, it seems clear that CFL's are best used for Vegging and side lights.

I ordered again from HTG supply, some cloning plugs, black and white Poly (to replace the inside out cheetos bag and inside out tootsie roll bag that I
am currently using), fertilizer, some Fox Farm soil for the next seedlings, some duct clamps to tighten up my fan situation. I think that I also need some backdraft dampers
in case my wife decides to do some laundry (vents through same vent as my space). I took a few photos, my phone seems to be picking up scan lines from the HPS,
I'll take a picture with the HPS off when I get the flouros in tomorrow.



I got the fan and duct all hooked up, poly up on the sides. I changed the CFL from V6 to an inline 3 with an extra on the side. The big plant sexed out as a male last night, so I killed him. 3 new seeds are going, from bags, "orange", Kush, and an unmarked one. The runt hasn't shown sex yet, I tied her down while she (here's hoping) is still springy with some brown twine.

So, here it is, day one again, and 3 new seeds. I am going 12/12 from seed from here on out. I am using Fox Farm happy frog mixed with some vermicompost.



Bought a Hygrometer $12.99. In hindsight I would have chosen the oregon scientific one for two dollars more. :

My Temps are too high, 24 hour high of 100 degrees F. I'll have to figure it out when I get back. The runt is fully budding, it is great. I am going out of town for 5 days and am going to keep them on the timer. I will wick feed while I am gone. Basically this means I have a bottle of water next to the plant and run a cotton or nylon rope or wick from the water directly into the soil. I have chosen shoelaces for my wicks, the white ones that came with my Adidas. I used blue instead for those shoes. There are lots of $25 dollar solutions for this on the internet, but a poland spring bottle and shoelaces seem to be good enough for 4 days. Last night I used the bloom fertilizer mix in the wick water bottle, and she seems to be really happy today.



The second plant is flowering, and the first plant has buds everywhere. I can't find the seeds I saved so I am going to keep these two going for a few months. They are obviously two different strains. I have some seeds from a batch that was labeled "star" but actually I didn't like that batch much. Its cool how when you tie the top down it is always pointing straight up the next day.