TENT GROW - 600w or 1000w? Help :)


Active Member
My 5x5 flowering tent showed up today and I'm deciding between 600w HPS or a 1000w HPS.

What is the temperature difference between 600w & 1000w, if it's not drastically different, I think I'm gonna run a 220v and use a 1000w HPS?

Any suggestions / opinions? I'd really like to try for 1000w just because it would sit above a 5'x5' area so nicely :)



Well-Known Member
im using a 1000w in my 6.5x6.5x6.5 tent ant its good but i wanna add another 1000w or another 600w for an extreme ammount of light. I prefer the air cooled reflectors because they have glass between the bulb and your plants and you can run ducting and cool them. My 1000w air cooled keeps my tent at about 73 (same temp inside my house). Id say go with an aircooled reflector and get the 1k watter.


Active Member
Appreciate the response! Yea, I would air cool it for sure. Is your 1000w on a normal 15 amp home breaker? any power trips or problems. If i did the math right, 1000w would use around 9.5 amps, and even though the 120v house breaker support 15 amps, i think the threashold is 12 amps. so 9.5 amps should be fine


Active Member
I would suggest the 600 watt. I am using a 1000 in my 5x5 air cooled with a 6 inch inline fan and I still had to put it down to 75 percent because of heat problems. Also, when my girlfriend uses her hair dryer I have to shut off the lights or my breaker trips sometimes.

Floyd 420

my man...run your lights, if not everything in your room, off of a different circuit...that way u dont have to keep shuttin off you lights for the hair dryer...ur plants are way more important than her hair lol
I would suggest the 600 watt. I am using a 1000 in my 5x5 air cooled with a 6 inch inline fan and I still had to put it down to 75 percent because of heat problems. Also, when my girlfriend uses her hair dryer I have to shut off the lights or my breaker trips sometimes.


Well-Known Member
yea... what floyd said. Also if you use an adapter and use the 220v outlet for your dryer (if its not being used) it cuts the amps used by the light in half and you can run more. I think a 1000watter uses like 9.5 amps and most breakers are 15 amps so you can only run a single 1000watter on a breaker.


Well-Known Member
1000 watt lamps are designed to cover a 5 x 5 area perfectly. If you can offset the heat, go with 1000 watter. If cooling your zone is an issue, then the 600 may be a better solution for you. I run air-cooled 600 watt in a 2.5 x 5 foot tent. I'm not sure I will be able to get away with this in the warmer months, but for now I things are working well.


Active Member
600w ain't enough for that area. Stuff will grow fine, but will be a lot smaller than using a 1000W. Even a 1000w is only 40Watts/sq. foot, which isn't that dense. A 1000W system with a dedicated 6" blower for the light/intake system and your tent should only run 5 degrees hotter than the intake air temp. Or you can plug in that 600w and grow in the corner of your tent.

Most digital ballast run about 8.8A, and some magnetics will peak over 10A during lamp ignition. Time for a new breaker or time to get girlfriend an extension cord for another circuit.