tent left unzipped


Well-Known Member
hi guys. left my tent open for the first hour of lights off by accident. will this stress them? it wasnt very bright light since it had a cream coloured curtain to get through first but light exposure nonetheless.



Well-Known Member
You are fine. No worries at all. I have done that before many times. I like to think its just another "full moon" night in nature.


Well-Known Member
yes a lot of people over do it when it comes to matters like these. i have been guity of it in the past in all honesty haha


Well-Known Member
Seems like most the times I get in trouble it has something to do with my zipper not being closed.


Active Member
The "your plants will stress" shit is blown way out of proportion.
It's like anything that's meticulous. I use legal prohormones and designer steroids, even a few illegal ones a few times. The orals are not good for your liver, but I love to lift, so you do it carefully. But people overestimate, and use absolutes with these things. Like if you take this hormone for 5 weeks instead of 4, your lover is gonna fail and shrivel up. If you don't do this or that, it's a failure and not worth it. If you let ANY light in, they're gonna hermie. I may not be a seasoned grower, at all, by any means. But light's are on plants 24/7 in some form in nature, by the moon, and night sky, etc. I may be new at this, but even I can figure this out. Don't always buy into the hype of things. Regular stress, sure, but a handful of times, doubt it, dimebag.


Active Member
My timer had been screwed up turning lights on at an odd time for about a week. It was enough to cause quite a few "nanners" so it's not all bs. Still smoked just fine but did get a few seeds.


Active Member
lights coming on wide open at odd times is a bit more intense than a light "leak". consider the full moon. that thing gets pretty damn bright. plants do just fine in it. have since the first pot pistil poked out.