Tent odor control questions


Active Member
I want to cut down on the smell in my 4x4x6 grow tents.
Been reading a lot, but still confused and wondering what exactly I need to get to accomplish this in a small grow.

The tents have three 6" duct vents, and one 4" duct vent that can be used

1 tent has about 2-3 vegging plants
1 tents will have 2 flowering plants

Currently I have a 6" inline fan that is 240 cfm circulating air and extracting heat from the tent.

I have a case of activated carbon and was thinking of covering the end of the ducting with a breathable rag that has a thin layer of carbon on top of it and pointing it down to even out the carbon.

Will this work decently? Or should I consider investing in a better fan and or good carbon filter?

Also, should I have filters on both veg and flower?

tent - http://www.amazon.com/Virtual-Sun-VS4800-48-48-Inch-78-Inch/dp/B005CJOANM
fan - http://www.amazon.com/LEDwholesalers-GYO2402-6-Inch-Hydroponic-Booster/dp/B003YFADW8

get a foot or 2 of ducting put one of your rags over one side fill it with carbon put rag on the top them just tape it to the end of the outtake ,
actually that's the thread where i got the idea years ago.. haha

what i'm wondering is how he applies them, kinda confused--does he just hang a couple of them inside the ducting so that some air hits it on the way out? or does he force the air to go thru them

I was thinking of covering the end of my ducting with the scotch brite rag and a rubber band and pouring some carbon in there and then pointing it downward.. but if hanging a few in there with binder clips works then ill just do that

but overall this sounds like it would work decently for a couple plants?

thanks guys