Tent size for 600w?


Well-Known Member
So I'm currently running a 400w in a closet style setup with two plants, have another cfl setup going just for new seedlings for the first few weeks, my question is I'm going to be buying a full tent setup to flower with so I can get somewhat of a perpetual grow going. I'm putting a 600watt in the tent setup and I'm thinking a 3x3 tent would be best so I can be sure that all corners are being covered with light, am I right in going with a 3x3 over a 2'x4' or a different size tent for a 600w? Any input appreciated!


Active Member
i use a 1k light in a 4x4 and i feel like 2 600 would be best, as my 1k jus doesnt seem to hit every corner of the tent, or im just picky lol but either way 3x3 with a 600 should be better


Well-Known Member
That's what I'm afraid of, they have a 1000w 4'x4' setup at the hydro shop by me but it just looked like too many square feet for 1 600w to cover and stiill be using all the space. I like to lst and scrog out my bitches and would love to be able to use all availaible space. When I get the room a 4'x4' with dual 600w would be my next upgrade. I just hadn't ran a 600w before and didn't know if 3x3 would use all the available light or if it would be wasting space.


I use a 600w in a 4x4 tent and i think its the perfect amount. I had a 1000w in a 5x5 room and i could only fit one more plant in there, I have the same yield per plant now. So it wasnt worth the electric cost and trying to keep it cool for one more plant, i did the math and it was a huge loss in electric cost compared to what i got back in yield. I learned a while ago to go by 1 plant per 100w and has worked great for me over the years,so by that math alone 600w would be plenty considering i can get 5 plants in that 4x4 room at best. Here are some pics at 3.5 weeks flowered.


Well-Known Member
Wow that looks really nice, I can't wait for the room to be able to go 4'x4' if your getting results that good off of one 600w I'd love to see what two of them would do