Tent Won't Stay Cool Anymore


Ever since summers hit my tents gone from an average of 73 degrees with lights on to like 88 degrees. I am running a 400 watt hps and a 600 watt hps w/a cool tube. using a 6" inline fan pulling through a carbon filter and pushing through the cool tube, and out of the tent.

Should I invest in a booster fan? they are only like 25 dollars. Or should i create some sort of intake? Thanks in advance for the advice guys.


Well-Known Member
If you are running co2 no. Otherwise yes. or hang the scruuber in the tent and use a booster fan on it so the inline has better airflow!


Well-Known Member
I run two 600 in a 5x5 Jardin with co2 and I use a 8 inch to pull while the scrubber is hanging with the booster inside. My tent stay sealed and never over 80.


Active Member
you should change your fan to pull from the cool tube and not push into it, it'll be more efficient. what is the CFM of the fan you have now? is your 400w hps also in a tube or sealed hood, and are you exhausting that heat as well? also, why do you scrub the air being used to cool your lights? is the scrubber inside the tent? are you creating a vacuum?

i am very confused about your current setup...


maybe i sohuld upgrade to a 8"..? probably just get the booster for cost efficiency :D

since you have a tent, figure i would ask you before i start another thread. What would you recommend for better support in the tent? the brackets it comes with to hang my lights and fan from barely cut it, and theres no way in hell it will hold the scrubber too. plus i would like to raise the light clearance a couple inches higher than where the brackets hang. i'm stumped at this point.


you should change your fan to pull from the cool tube and not push into it, it'll be more efficient. what is the CFM of the fan you have now? is your 400w hps also in a tube or sealed hood, and are you exhausting that heat as well? also, why do you scrub the air being used to cool your lights? is the scrubber inside the tent? are you creating a vacuum?

i am very confused about your current setup...
didnt know this! the cfm is around 365 i thnk?. the 400 watt is not in a cool tube, and so the head is not able to be exhausted.. and i hooked the scrubber on to the 6" because i didn't know any other way, didnt think about it, and yes it is inside the tent. and yes, i believe i am creating a vacuum (sides suck in when zipped up.)

what do you recommend i do? i will definitely try switching the fan to pull instead of push.


Well-Known Member
Pull is always better with typical hoods. take the scrubber and the booster fan, set it on the floor and run it. Make sure you are venting the air from the hoods outside and get a small vent to pass that vacuum up.


Pull is always better with typical hoods. take the scrubber and the booster fan, set it on the floor and run it. Make sure you are venting the air from the hoods outside and get a small vent to pass that vacuum up.
ok ok so i should set the 6" up to pull from the 600 watt/cool tube. thinkin about runnin a piece of ducting from the other side of the 600watt cooltube to kind of hang by the 400 watt, to help pull some of the hot air out.. good idea?

and just get a 6" booster fan and hook it to the scrubber, simple. this will definitely help my 6" pull better. should have posted this ages ago!

i'm not venting the air outside though... how important is this? i have to break a window or something, and my aunt isn't really about that.. and you mean i should let more air in as to prevent the vacuum? as of now i've been leaving the front of the tent open and blowing a fan in it, to help keep it cool.

thanks a ton for the support.


Active Member
get that fan outside of the tent for starts. Make it suck instead of push like mentioned. This alone will help your problem tremendously. That fan has enough power to easily cool your whole tent/light. If that still isnt quite enough try using an ice box on your intake. I have alot shittier fans it was 90 degrees the other day, no Central air running cuz that day was a fluke for spring now its back to 60's and I managed to hold at 86 which some would say it to high but they love it. Just frightens me when I get to the 90 mark that is when I would seriously consider spending the big bucks for a good fan such as yours. Once you move that fan to the outide of your tent leave the other ducting in there tie it off high on that ceiling bracket in your tent that way you can keep your vaccum working. Then once fan is out put another piece of ducting back on and continue it to wherever you're exhausting. Also, with that ducting still inside tied up high you could attach a carbon filter then wa lah you have your tube exhaust,your vaccum, odor control and your peace of mind that it will stay cool and have no smell. IF you need added air flow hook up a cheap booster fan to either your intake or existing exhaust. But I wouldnt think you would need it as long as you can dump the air in a pretty short overall length of ducting.


Active Member
for cooling the cool tube you would want one end of it ducted to outside of the tent as an intake, and then have the other end of it ducted to the other side of your tent with the fan attached at the end of the ducting (outside the tent would be best) pulling air.

basically the air passing over the cool tube would be ONLY outside air and not mix whatsoever with air inside the tent.

as for cooling the 400w, that it a whole different story. you may want to look into a sealed, air cooled hood or another cool tube for it.

the vacuum you are creating now is making your cooling much less efficient.


thanks a ton you guys, i took your advice. not sure about the 400 watt either. we'll see how this plays out tommorow, but i have a feeling i'll still need to leave the tent open, due to the 400 watt.. oh well, step in the right direction i suppose.


Well-Known Member
maybe i missed it.....how big is your tent? I use a 424 cfm fan to cool a 1k watt in a 4x4 and keeps it perfect. WITHOUT exhausting the air to another room it would be over a 100 in the tent. I still have to run a A/C also though.View attachment 1597457


it's 5x5x7. and i can just exhaust the air into another section of my house? this will work? i'll have to look into venting my tent into my room directly above it.


Well-Known Member
yes you SHOULD vent it to another room, I bet the second you do it it makes a ton of difference. I vent to attic, then it vents out of the attic itself, just make sure it doesn't cause mold