Tequila makes me rowdy!


Active Member
So I was over at a friends house, that I hadnt been to in a few years. We're all drinking tequila, have a good time playing games and shit. Well, these two guys show up looking for one of our friends ( who had just left for whataburger) and so they just chill on the couch for a little bit. I didn't really like these guys from the get go, because my friends didnt like them too much. Said they were just trying to get some pussy. So they leave and go outside, and slam the door on their way out! so me and my new pal go outside and lean up against the truck, watching them. Waiting for them to say something you know? but they dont, and we go back inside. Well I came back outside to lock the truck so the lights would go off, and the both jump out of car saying ' whats your problem, you got a problem? Now, they may ave just been wondering why we were staring at them, but I took that like ' hey wanna fight' because of tthe way they were walking up on me. So I go back inside give my boy his keys and let him know its about to go down. These guys are both bigger, and older than me. So I walk outside and now the adreneline is flowing and the bigger guy walked up on me real fast like he was about to swing so I swung first and after that first hit he was done, you could tell he didnt know what was going on. He was just grabbing , and his buddy was trying to hit me but I just grabbed them and stayed close so they couldnt punch me. then my friends got the tubby dude off, and I took the other guy down to the ground. i was on top of him, but I had people pulling me off and shit so I didnt get to do much more than punch him a few times. They got up talking shit though, and ol dudes girl was like "BITCH GET IN THE FUCKING CA BAM BAM BAM just steelin his ass in the face. lolol So they left, and we laughed about it all night. :)


Well-Known Member
Tequila does the same shit too me. If someone wants to rumble after ive had a few shots of tequila i have no problem with it. Not to sound gangster/tough or anythng though, but people usually know not to fuck with me, Being a fast 6'5 280 lbs.


Well-Known Member
Tequila does the same shit too me. If someone wants to rumble after ive had a few shots of tequila i have no problem with it. Not to sound gangster/tough or anythng though, but people usually know not to fuck with me, Being a fast 6'5 280 lbs.

I'm 6' 12" and 327 lbs. You don wanna piss me too.
Us internet dimension braggarts gotta stick together.


Active Member
I was wasted haha. Those guys just didnt sit right with me. Im a really nice, funny guy. But you dont mess with a house full of people drinking tequila and not think anything is going to come of it lol


Active Member
And I mean granted it probably would have been worst for me if I didnt put the big guy out right away. You ever hit somebody so hard their head kind of wobbles and they just arent really there after that?


Well-Known Member
lol funny shit!

Last time i had tequila, drank a 1/5 of Jose Cuervo Black and fought my cousin. lol Never again am i going straight tequila. Ill take a shot once in awhile at the bar if it's mixed... but that's it !


Active Member
well we were drinking mixed drinks all night. I started to drink a cup of straight tequila but it was too much at that point in the night


Well-Known Member
Jack Daniels and Jim Beam... i'm from the south, so bourbon gets me alittle froggy.. got in a fight with three asian kids at the movie one night.. I was just looking for a fight though.. one smarted off something to me, granted I was talking during the movie.. next thing I know I'm bailing over the seats, I just start swinging at any and everybody.. my boy pulls me out of there and we run for the exit.. he runs, I stagger and fall.. pretty sure I woulda got my ass kicked had I been sober or by myself... thank god for tall black dudes..lol..

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
Jack Daniels and Jim Beam... i'm from the south, so bourbon gets me alittle froggy.. got in a fight with three asian kids at the movie one night.. I was just looking for a fight though.. one smarted off something to me, granted I was talking during the movie.. next thing I know I'm bailing over the seats, I just start swinging at any and everybody.. my boy pulls me out of there and we run for the exit.. he runs, I stagger and fall.. pretty sure I woulda got my ass kicked had I been sober or by myself... thank god for tall black dudes..lol..
So your name is from your friend going, "Holy shit you're fighting three chinks at the theater, out the BackDoorMan."