Tesla battery pack


Well-Known Member
that's a good price for what you get.. about 1/2 price of average lithium battery prices atm.. solar cells are around $2/watt atm, but they only produce peak wattage in the main part of the day in summer.. so to run a 600w hid bulb for 12hrs would need 1500 watts worth of panels roughly, or more esp. in the winter.. I'd be more apt to spend money on some of them fancy reflective skylights that channel light into a room, and supplement that with LED's.. leds are getting cheap now esp. direct from China..
You gotta watch those China bulbs, they are putting fake UL stickers on them. Things are catching fire and melting. I'm an electrician and we did an office with them (customer supplied) I think 26 failed after 2 weeks and caused some decent damage.