Tesla CEO Elon Musk said he supports Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang

That's the problem with the left. Always trying to push their beliefes on everyone and tell them their wrong, uneducated and stupid and hit them with grammar. I dont agree with the left but I'm not starting a political campaign to change them.

I'm the reason you can drive around town with that inflated sense of self telling everyone their uneducated and stupid stud........ and lets face it you wouldnt call me uneducated and stupid to my face

A real man with wisdom and honour would try to teach someone like me and educate them instead of insult them. But your not a real man are you. .......I smell a cowardView attachment 4378570
Whoo doggy those are some clean covies hand, hahaha (had to give you a little shit) see I always worked the rigs cause the joints were 30ft long, the dope comes in 5gal buckets, and wed be tripping all day long :bigjoint:
It used to be not so polarized. The left had their wackos but the majority of em were closer to the middle, and the right had their wackos but the majority of them were closer to the middle. I used to be termed a moderate republican, but both parties have begun to have more and more of their majorities become wackos, the right was the first with emergence of the tea party, and the left is following suit with the hyper PC stuff. By today's standards I'm typically referred to as a liberal, but I really don't like letting an entire party decide what I should believe so I just look at an issue and think about it logically, decide kinda what I think, try not to let anyone influence me, just come up with what I think, and when I do that more times than not I fall in the "liberal" camp but I'm not claiming all Democrat stuff and I'm not denouncing all republican stuff just looking at the facts, the party means dick all to me..
I think trumps a tool bag, if I had to work the floor by myself cause my green hat had "bone spurs" .. Ya.. I'd fucking kill him lol can you imagine Don jr throwing tongs? Hahaha come on man we blue collar!
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I think trumps a tool bag, if I had to work the floor by myself cause my green hat had "bone spurs" .. Ya.. I'd fucking kill him lol can you imagine Don jr throwing tongs? Hahaha come on man we blue collar!
Trump is one brain cell short of an Amoeba and identifies as a pumpkin :lol:
But that man speaks his mind right or wrong and gat dangit I respect him for that. I know exactly what hes thinking. And what hes doing. Hes a shitty business man running a country. I know exactly what to expect from him.:wall:
Its one way of looking at it that's for sure.
But that's exactly what the left wants us to think the right is an old relic only interested in hate. Set.in their dinosaur ways of power preventing ourselves from moving forward.

I tell you one thing. Our world has not gotten better..the mental health of our countries have gotten worse.
This new and improved all accepting all equal world hasnt done a bloody thing in terms of being healthy. Wrong is now right.
Pedophile groups marching in pride parades. Only a matter of time before that shits normal and accepted..
People serving life for weed but out on the streets in 3 years for fucking children
Democrats trying to passing laws where you can abort delivered children.

You keep thinking we dont need trumps and Putin's man. They gonna be the only people who can bail us out when the rest of us get tired of the bullshit and start the biggest civil\worldwar this world ever seen.

Why u think canada trying to take all our guns away.
They know we aint happy with this socialist bullshit man.
They know..they want to control it. Control us..hand us over.to UN
So Socialism can destroy us like it did Europe and Venezuela
Proofs all around us.
Anytime I hear 'the left' or 'the right' I am instantly suspicious, and I would advise that for anyone.

Everything you have listed is propaganda that Putin has been pushing for sure, and very likely every other would be tyrant like Trump and MBS is too.

There is no-one passing laws to abort delivered children, one they are delivered then they wouldn't be aborted. Two what the soundbites I have heard on this disinformation campaign is taking (out of context) people talking about when someone chooses to not have an abortion, but the child they deliver is not healthy and going to die, they have to discuss how hard the heartbroken parents are willing to push to try to get a couple more hours/days/weeks before the struggling child passes on.

Socialism scare tactics are played out too. The main thing causing all this is their disinformation campaign designed to use peoples prejudices against them, scaring them into thinking the world is melting down.
Trump is one brain cell short of an Amoeba and identifies as a pumpkin :lol:
But that man speaks his mind right or wrong and gat dangit I respect him for that. I know exactly what hes thinking. And what hes doing. Hes a shitty business man running a country. I know exactly what to expect from him.:wall:
No he doesn't, he just flat out says anything and everything, he is over 12k flat out lies and misleading statements. When you say anything you want, nothing you say matters.
Hes like Will Ferrel from anchorman.......he'll read anything off that damn teleprompter:bigjoint:
The big problem I see he has is when he goes off teleprompter lol. He is like my dad, picks a position, then just says what ever nonsense he wants to say that he think will get people to agree with him regardless of the truth or not.

Most politicians do the 'I am saying very specific words that are all factual, but may have nothing to do with reality', and actually lie very little because they want to be trusted. So you can actually still learn a lot from listening to people like Mitch, but you really need to see how he is dodging the questions asked and what he is and isn't saying.


Like the claim: I have the highest employment for black people in history.
Nonsense statement. Black people in America really were heavily suppressed in the job market well into the 80's and beyond. The number of black people in the USA is of course increasing every year, just like all races population number, add the decrease in segregation with the increase in population and you get an entirely true, but effectively nonsensical statement Trump loves to state like he did something to help them out on purpose or changed any trends.


Not updated #s but you can see the population increase trend.
That's the problem with the left. Always trying to push their beliefs on everyone and tell them their wrong, uneducated and stupid and hit them with grammar. I dont agree with the left but I'm not starting a political campaign to change them.
I say things like that's one way of looking at it. Or man your views blow my fucking mind but I dont say things like your an idiot. Or get an education.

I'm the reason you can drive around town with that inflated sense of self telling everyone their uneducated and stupid stud........ and lets face it you wouldnt call me uneducated and stupid to my face.......so why do it online?

A real man, who was educated, and had true wisdom and honour would try to teach someone like me and educate them instead of insult them. But your not a real man are you cowardView attachment 4378570
So you would prefer it if somebody heard your incorrect beliefs and told you how smart you are despite the fact that you are wrong?

Yeah, you are a typical Trump voter. Trump loves the under-educated. He loves them most of all.

Right ring radio? Theres only one right wing news center in canada and it's called rebel media.

Everything else is left. The hell you talking about willis?

venezuela, Canada buys their oil from them
even tho we have as much as the states.

venezuela used to be stupid wealthy. They have more oil than anyone. Now Canada's bailing them out? Giving them money..
That dont sound well governed to me.

Greece well governed? France? Come on man.
Wherever it is you are getting your propaganda, stop. Just stop.

Greece got into its mess for the very same reason Germany is doing great. It has nothing to do with social programs and everything to do with capitalism. Intracacies within the EU aside, social democracies are not all going to perform the same.

How do you feel about Canada's healthcare system? Do you want it to be like the US?

What system of government are you saying you want? All I see is what you don't want. Libertarian?
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That's the problem with the left. Always trying to push their beliefs on everyone and tell them their wrong, uneducated and stupid and hit them with grammar. I dont agree with the left but I'm not starting a political campaign to change them.
I say things like that's one way of looking at it. Or man your views blow my fucking mind but I dont say things like your an idiot. Or get an education.

I'm the reason you can drive around town with that inflated sense of self telling everyone their uneducated and stupid stud........ and lets face it you wouldnt call me uneducated and stupid to my face.......so why do it online?

A real man, who was educated, and had true wisdom and honour would try to teach someone like me and educate them instead of insult them. But your not a real man are you cowardView attachment 4378570
I'd say it to your face. You look like a skinhead. If you act like one I'd educate you.
It used to be not so polarized. The left had their wackos but the majority of em were closer to the middle, and the right had their wackos but the majority of them were closer to the middle. I used to be termed a moderate republican, but both parties have begun to have more and more of their majorities become wackos, the right was the first with emergence of the tea party, and the left is following suit with the hyper PC stuff. By today's standards I'm typically referred to as a liberal, but I really don't like letting an entire party decide what I should believe so I just look at an issue and think about it logically, decide kinda what I think, try not to let anyone influence me, just come up with what I think, and when I do that more times than not I fall in the "liberal" camp but I'm not claiming all Democrat stuff and I'm not denouncing all republican stuff just looking at the facts, the party means dick all to me..
Your visceral fear of Kamala Harris makes more sense now.
It used to be not so polarized. The left had their wackos but the majority of em were closer to the middle, and the right had their wackos but the majority of them were closer to the middle. I used to be termed a moderate republican, but both parties have begun to have more and more of their majorities become wackos, the right was the first with emergence of the tea party, and the left is following suit with the hyper PC stuff. By today's standards I'm typically referred to as a liberal, but I really don't like letting an entire party decide what I should believe so I just look at an issue and think about it logically, decide kinda what I think, try not to let anyone influence me, just come up with what I think, and when I do that more times than not I fall in the "liberal" camp but I'm not claiming all Democrat stuff and I'm not denouncing all republican stuff just looking at the facts, the party means dick all to me..
I don't consider civil rights to be optional. Today's Republican party doesn't consider them at all. Voter suppression laws, stacking the Supreme court with justices who will overturn Roe v Wade, the recent fight to make the census actually count everybody, not just legal immigrants and so forth. MAGA really means white rule like we had in the 1950's. Happy Days and the Fonz and all that.

Just saying, there is a difference. It is naive to say that today's Republican party is in any way, shape, or form, like Democratic party. Moderate liberals are still the majority in the Democratic party. There is a leftward movement, if you say that universal access to healthcare is bad, then you are free to disagree with this shift. But I don't.
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