Tesla New Model Unveil...

$25,000 Tesla Car Will Be Sold Globally: Tesla China President Confirms

Tesla China President Tom Zhu recently spoke with China-based state media channel Xinhua Net about a variety of topics related to Tesla. While the focus was on general plans related to Tesla China's future operations, the $25,000 compact car came up. Zhu confirmed that the smaller, cheaper Tesla will be designed in China, at a research center at Tesla's Gigafcatory in Shanghai.
$25,000 Tesla Car Will Be Sold Globally: Tesla China President Confirms

Tesla China President Tom Zhu recently spoke with China-based state media channel Xinhua Net about a variety of topics related to Tesla. While the focus was on general plans related to Tesla China's future operations, the $25,000 compact car came up. Zhu confirmed that the smaller, cheaper Tesla will be designed in China, at a research center at Tesla's Gigafcatory in Shanghai.
One plus, the parts should be cheap. I buy a lot of tools, I try to avoid the ones made in China, they really are just garbage. Taiwan has a much better reputation for quality concerns.
are those lights run by solar?.....how are you gonna keep them on when the corporation collapses?

Again, im not the one making ridiculous claims of teslas saving the planet so I can feel good and the reality of the environmental destruction of mining isnt conditional upon whether or not I'm using solar panels. However, if you wanted to know the power makeup of my zip code...

Gas (45.2%)Coal (4.4%)Nuclear (9.1%)Hydro (11%)Wind (7.3%)Biomass (2.8%)Solar (14.9%)Oil (0%).

Also like I said, we do have some loose plans to live closer to the way people should live. It takes time to setup finances to make a massive life change for a family. Or of course I could just buy a Tesla and thave the planeth lol.
we're gonna miss yah......best of luck
Elon Musk is doing more for the future of the planet than any human on earth.

My money is on the people who are doing the work to help heal the planet having the longest term impact, but do agree tech has a huge role in human's ability to not destroy the planet's fragile life.

But I get it.

I hope you are right, and he doesn't pull a Jimmy Kim.
$25,000 Tesla Car Will Be Sold Globally: Tesla China President Confirms

Tesla China President Tom Zhu recently spoke with China-based state media channel Xinhua Net about a variety of topics related to Tesla. While the focus was on general plans related to Tesla China's future operations, the $25,000 compact car came up. Zhu confirmed that the smaller, cheaper Tesla will be designed in China, at a research center at Tesla's Gigafcatory in Shanghai.
He said the same thing about the $30,000 Tesla 4 years ago that still doesn't exist.
Aptera is waaaaaay closer to the future than a tesla. 1800lbs for the 60kw/hr version and built in solar panels that charge up to 40 miles per day. Teslas are the big block gas Chevy Suburban of the electric vehicle world.
You want to drive an 1800 lb car when the average sedan weighs 3400 lbs? The average SUV weighs 4200 lbs and the average truck weighs 5000 lbs? Good luck with that in, say, 50 years.
You want to drive an 1800 lb car when the average sedan weighs 3400 lbs? The average SUV weighs 4200 lbs and the average truck weighs 5000 lbs? Good luck with that in, say, 50 years.

Well at some point we have to realize that we can't have our cake and eat it too, but the answer to your question is yes, I want the efficiency of the Aptera and I want to be manufacturing over 3000 pounds less material *per car*. What I don't want, however, is to use someone else's wrongs in order to control my rights. For example, Trumpers whine about America tightening up on environmental controls because China is a mess. They think that because another country is super shitty, that means it's okay for us to just be moderately shitty. I greatly disagree with that thought process, even if it means I end up on the short end of the stick somehow.
I wholeheartedly agree that we are a gluttonous countries (both Canada and the US) and I’m as guilty as anyone. But I do think electric vehicles are a good thing compared to a gas car (when practical) and I only based that on my limited reading of true cost (including the total carbon footprint). We gotta start somewhere because we know for sure that fossil fuels don’t work well. I won’t live to see the long term successes and failures. I just hope my daughters not living on a boat :(. As for Tesla, don’t care, sold the stock and bought shopify ;).
A top Wall Street analyst released a new report stating that he believes Tesla (TSLA) stock could soon rise to $1,000 per share on a ‘green tidal wave’ coming to the US and China.
The analyst also notes that the impact of President Biden’s $174 billion plan to accelerate electrification in the US has yet to be realized.
Well at some point we have to realize that we can't have our cake and eat it too, but the answer to your question is yes, I want the efficiency of the Aptera and I want to be manufacturing over 3000 pounds less material *per car*. What I don't want, however, is to use someone else's wrongs in order to control my rights. For example, Trumpers whine about America tightening up on environmental controls because China is a mess. They think that because another country is super shitty, that means it's okay for us to just be moderately shitty. I greatly disagree with that thought process, even if it means I end up on the short end of the stick somehow.
And still I say, "good luck with that in 50 years", you know, citing reality
I'm not sure how much I care whether or not people in the US poison their country buying 5000lbs of Jonestown cancer. People here can be delusional about it and buy their tesburbans if they want to. Our plans involve living in another location where the culture embraces efficiency and small cars are already normal, not scoffed at.
China, Indonesia and India have what, 1/2 of the population of the earth? They still mostly use 2 stroke engines for transportation, many use fire for heat and food, little pollution control in ANYTHING modern and coal for power. Then there are the other 1/3 the earths population not in those countries still considered third world.
Get a grip dude. World pollution will NEVER be controlled and we humans are all in for an alarming future in about 100 years. Maybe 50. I'm glad I'll be dead.
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A top Wall Street analyst released a new report stating that he believes Tesla (TSLA) stock could soon rise to $1,000 per share on a ‘green tidal wave’ coming to the US and China.
The analyst also notes that the impact of President Biden’s $174 billion plan to accelerate electrification in the US has yet to be realized.
Yes I saw that but I’ve decided to go with Shopify as I see better gains with them, and being the patriotic person I am (lol) their Canadian ;).
I'm not sure how much I care whether or not people in the US poison their country buying 5000lbs of Jonestown cancer. People here can be delusional about it and buy their tesburbans if they want to. Our plans involve living in another location where the culture embraces efficiency and small cars are already normal, not scoffed at.
What’s the cost of a gallon of gas where this utopia is? Embraced or economically forced? When your fuel/electric is subsidized why switch? Most, unfortunate as it is, need to be forced to switch to the better alternative.