Tesla New Model Unveil...

When I lived there it was the same as fog. Took me 3 hours to get to work by transit and 30 min by my Rabbit GT and so much more fun lol. I’m sure that has changed due to it now being the busiest highway system in North America. Why in the hell would anyone want to live there ....... :(. I don’t even like to visit for a couple of days lol.
We are both foodies and both like city life. To each their own, I guess.
My wife is younger than me and we have to wait about 15 years for her to retire. We plan to sell the house, sell the cars and move to Toronto.

You can get anywhere in Toronto with public transit. Can’t wait to get rid of the car.
I think the after effects of the pandemic will impact public transit. I would hesitate to take any mass transportation if there are single vehicles available. People will be hesitant to get locked into a sealed tube with a bunch of potentially infectious super spreaders.......Taxi please
I think the after effects of the pandemic will impact public transit. I would hesitate to take any mass transportation if there are single vehicles available. People will be hesitant to get locked into a sealed tube with a bunch of potentially infectious super spreaders.......Taxi please
15 years is a long ways off so who knows what we’ll be facing. Our plans could change.

Maybe we’ll stay in the house and buy one of your used Teslas. :)
Henry Ford was a pig. He was a racist nazi sympathizer. It disgusts me how he is portrayed as some great man. His contribution with bringing affordable automobiles to the masses and his contribution to production line manufacturing are both great accomplishments but it doesn't change the fact that he was a racist, nazi, scumbag.
The greatest gift Henry Ford gave to the world was the cookout.

He hated waste. If he could find a use for anything he did. He had two things laying around that drove him nuts: tons of saw dust from wheel manufacturing and tons of coal dust from the boilers at the factories.

So he made what we today call 'charcoal brickets' out of it all. Every new Ford came with a bag of charcoal along with instructions on the packaging on how to use it in place of wood for cooking.

And the great outdoor cookout was born.

Ford's greatest blunder was, no doubt, his venture into rubber. He hated giving someone else any money as he was sure there was nothing on earth he couldn't do himself. So he decided to start his own rubber tree farm. He bought a shit ton of land in Brazil, a shit ton of rubber trees and hired a bunch of people to do it all and called the place 'Fordlandia'.

The one person Henry Ford didn't hire: A botanist.

The place was a disaster. He lost millions on it.
So nobody cooked outdoors using “wood” before briquettes? Interesting!
PS pretty sure synthetic rubber and a few other issues arose from the Fordlandia complex, like pissed off workers that led to its downfall lol. This is just too easy lol.
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I think the after effects of the pandemic will impact public transit. I would hesitate to take any mass transportation if there are single vehicles available. People will be hesitant to get locked into a sealed tube with a bunch of potentially infectious super spreaders.......Taxi please
I hear ya, it’ll be a bit before I jump on a plane and feel any comfort at all :(. I really do want to see my kid but I’ll let her come here lol.
You can recharge a Tesla by towing it....so 2 Teslas could drive cross country by taking turns charging each other and never have to hook to a charger....chain linked cars could take turns recharging each other,,,,,,
I think the after effects of the pandemic will impact public transit. I would hesitate to take any mass transportation if there are single vehicles available. People will be hesitant to get locked into a sealed tube with a bunch of potentially infectious super spreaders.......Taxi please

i still use a mask for elevators and closer spaces; stores..in the elevator some lady was sneezing the other day and i closed the door on her but i didn't have my mask and she didn't cover her nose. i kept hearing her sneeze as i was going up. i felt so bad. i can't stand the stupidity.

we still are supposed to cover our faces right? people have been using the mask for so long it's as if they forgot they're not wearing, then you have people who remove their mask to sneeze (the hospital and morons who work there).
Sober and on pavement, I'd take the scooter every time. A little fucked up and offroad and needing a place to put a case of beer, the trike is a must.
You can recharge a Tesla by towing it....so 2 Teslas could drive cross country by taking turns charging each other and never have to hook to a charger....chain linked cars could take turns recharging each other,,,,,,
A Tesla would be the perfect car to tow behind a motor home, because every time you stopped you would have a full charge......Boom
You can recharge a Tesla by towing it....so 2 Teslas could drive cross country by taking turns charging each other and never have to hook to a charger....chain linked cars could take turns recharging each other,,,,,,
No, you couldn't. The added load would kill the batteries in less than 75 miles. You'd not be able to tow one long enough to charge it. They'd both wind up dead on the side of the road.