Test my knowlege?. Do you need help? I can anwser some questions


Well-Known Member
Some people have hard time finding a good answer on this website.They fail to find the title search tool. Or some people give false answers and the newb is tired of posting for nothing.
so we should accept advice from you a newb with no rep ? as factual information? as far as I can see your answers are half baked and opinionated and based very loosely on facts.....this is why you have no rep. just so you know. gravity is not the same in all directions. there are spots on this planet and many others where the force of gravity is lesser and greater. and cannabis was not first smoked by the native Americans lol there is evidence it was used in Babylon and Egypt and there is no actual proof of who smoked it first. so to provide an answer to such question is foolish and I am a fool for doing so as well but at least I provided more accurate information.


Well-Known Member
if a fem clone hermies late into flower from stress will the pollen create seeds that would have the herm trait?
If a female hermies due to stress the seeds produced will be ok. the offspring however will have the same tendency to hermie under stress and this is an undesirable trait. if the female hermies under a low stress situation the offspring will do the same. although under certain circumstances a pure female is pushed past maturity to produce hermaphroditic pollen this pollen will produce a higher ratio of female seeds because the pollen will have only x chromosomes this is one method of producing feminized seeds. if you want to breed a top strain don't use genetics from phenotypes that present the hermaphrodite trait easily.
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Active Member
damn man thats not what i wanted to hear lol but that makes alot more sence it is almost 8 weeks into flower but a 8-10 week flower time so probably due to all the stress i put it through if i get any mature seeds ill test them out but wont have my hopes up


Well-Known Member
damn man thats not what i wanted to hear lol but that makes alot more sence it is almost 8 weeks into flower but a 8-10 week flower time so probably due to all the stress i put it through if i get any mature seeds ill test them out but wont have my hopes up
well if it was just due to high stress the offspring will likely not hermie if they are grown in a less stressful environment so it could be not that bad of a situation.


Well-Known Member
Why do the tops of my plants burn before the bottom??

raise your lights from 12" to 16"
Why do nutes get stronger over a coulpe days?
The plants use more water than nutes. The more water they take in the more water evaporates and the more water they need. Water evaporates and the ppm raises. The nutes dont go anywhere therefor when the water evaporates the ppm raises. Put a lid on your res to reduce evaporation. Top your res off when the water level drops.

Are nutes booster any good? shooting powder....
koolbloom, hydroboost,big bud. Yes they are very good. They slightly stress the plants to produce larger flowering. Introduce bloom boosters in the later stages of flowering. start with half strenght at week 5.... week 7 give them a full dose. See what your plant can handle. Two days after giving them the nute mix check to see if the leaf tips curl down. Some strains are sensitive to nutes. In a peat based soilless mix i feed twice a week with a good water before the next week. wet and dry cycles are not good. Its better to always maintain proper moisture. Make sure you dont let the medium get soggy and allow a good run off. Dont be shy.

Whats the best bud to grow in hydro with the biggest punch??
What kind of hydro. ebb flood? dwc?
Well for weight would be big bud.
A strong body high would be a kush or hashplant.

Whats the best light to have 600//1000
1000. more light per sqaure meter.
Unless you have a lot of lighting in one room. Light adds up. 6 600s produce more light than 4 1000 watters.
I prefer 1000s More watts per sqaure foot.
good luck!!!!!


Well-Known Member
so we should accept advice from you a newb with no rep ? as factual information? as far as I can see your answers are half baked and opinionated and based very loosely on facts.....this is why you have no rep. just so you know. gravity is not the same in all directions. there are spots on this planet and many others where the force of gravity is lesser and greater. and cannabis was not first smoked by the native Americans lol there is evidence it was used in Babylon and Egypt and there is no actual proof of who smoked it first. so to provide an answer to such question is foolish and I am a fool for doing so as well but at least I provided more accurate information.
Half baked questions get half baked anwsers.
Why dont you ask me questions about growing instead of non sense.
I may be new to RIU but just so you know i have been reading up on growing since overgrow days. Im a young buck tho.
I have no rep because i havent made a name on this website yet...

Freda Felcher

Well-Known Member
so we should accept advice from you a newb with no rep ? as factual information? as far as I can see your answers are half baked and opinionated and based very loosely on facts.....this is why you have no rep. just so you know. gravity is not the same in all directions. there are spots on this planet and many others where the force of gravity is lesser and greater. and cannabis was not first smoked by the native Americans lol there is evidence it was used in Babylon and Egypt and there is no actual proof of who smoked it first. so to provide an answer to such question is foolish and I am a fool for doing so as well but at least I provided more accurate information.
So true! And who cares about "reps" on here anyway? Reps are for kids on myspace, same with "top friends". I'm on here to gain information about growing some dank ass green and maybe help someone out too. Not to make "friends" and gain "reps"! Gay, totally frickin gay. I hope this guy "Smily" gets no reps, because nothing he has said so far is worth a shit.


Active Member
Half baked questions get half baked anwsers.
Why dont you ask me questions about growing instead of non sense.
I may be new to RIU but just so you know i have been reading up on growing since overgrow days. Im a young buck tho.
I have no rep because i havent made a name on this website yet...

I had quiet the rep on OG. Remember me? You get rep if you know what rep was called on OG :-o

Freda Felcher

Well-Known Member
I may be new to RIU but just so you know i have been reading up on growing since overgrow days.
Yeah, and I have been reading anatomy books for five years in school. That doesn't mean I'm gonna go out and solicit information on how to remove a man's liver.

Leave the advice giving to those with REAL experience!


Well-Known Member
So true! And who cares about "reps" on here anyway? Reps are for kids on myspace, same with "top friends". I'm on here to gain information about growing some dank ass green and maybe help someone out too. Not to make "friends" and gain "reps"! Gay, totally frickin gay. I hope this guy "Smily" gets no reps, because nothing he has said so far is worth a shit.
See how it says test my knowledge? I can admit im not a professional. I learn from the questions people ask. Maybe i dont know and have to do some research? So ask away.


Active Member
lol cant say i do. I smoke alot of pot and havent been on since 05. I think it was respect?
Ahhhrrrrg! Sorry, have to give you a mutant facepalm for that...

Really? OG veteran, ey?

Come on, anyone who can answer the Q correctly will get respect which is better than rep and a free g with minimum donation :joint: if in CA :hug: