testing soil????


Active Member
What's the best way to get soil sample for testing, without out damaging roots? Or can you take soil from the top of the planter??


Well-Known Member
I do not like to “brand” products or advocate for one over another. This is an exception Rapitest soil test kit contains tests for N-P -K and PH.

You take a small soil sample less than a tablespoon. Screen the sample for large particles, mix the sample with water and add chemicals that react to Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potash.

I am a dumbass and have no problems with the tests. Just a note, use distilled for the tests.


Well-Known Member
if your growing soil..just mix garden lime with your soil..if your soil has a low PH is will ajust it up..but wont go over seven..if you have high ph..the lime will treat the soil and lower it to not over seven..my soil PH is at 6.8..just throw a couple of handfulls of lime in your soil mix...or you can mead some into the top of your soil above your plant..lime also has alot of calcium and magnesium for your plant...and on top of that..you can get a fifty pound bag for line 5 bucks..at lowes or mennards home depot..ect..


Active Member
thats what I use, but the soil you test should be from a few inches below the top of the soil.