Testing Water pH


Well-Known Member
I bought this PHT-026 "Six In One Monitor" from Stealth Hydro and, like everything else I've bought from them, it's a P.O.S. You would think that you'd get something decent for $150 but this thing seems worthless when it comes to measuring pH. It seems to do well on EC, CF and PPM but when I calibrate it to 7.0 then dunk it in my solution that I've poured half a cup of pH Down into, it actually goes above 7 into the alkaline zone. I just used some of the granular pH down to see if I can get it acidic. Does anyone else have a problem knowing *exactly* what your pH is? Do I need to let the water sit a while then test it?
why you calibrate it a 7 when the manual say that it need ph6.86 buffer solution ??
if you put buffer ph7 it's normal it won't calibrate as it will not recognize the buffer solution.
i know peoples using pht-026 without any problem. much better than hanna(specially the black one HI98129/30 i have 2 of them non of them work for ph, allways fluctuation even just after calibration 2points)