Texas asks U.S. Supreme Court to help Trump upend election

You know what is actually horrible/tragic/dumbfounding?
It's that the COVID-19 cases in Texas, especially in El Paso/Austin/Dallas are skyrocketing since Thanksgiving
A very simple answer to that query
He told them that masks/social distancing weren't really needed, that COVID-19 would "simply disappear" & those fucking idiots believed in him.
Good for you, you wanted to show your "Independence" & your "Lone Star" attitude fine, but don't fuck with the rest of the country in the process.
Go ride a bull/drill an oil well/fuck your mother/sister/brother but shut the fuck up.
Texas, your an embarrassment
Once tRUmp and the GOP figured out that minorities have a much higher death rate, it was a given that they would let the virus run it's course without interference.

It was that fucking Kushner too. He was "advising" on testing and PPE. No wonder him and Ivanka are looking at a bunker island off the coast of FL.