Texas heat


Active Member
This Texas heat is feeling horrible! To all you growing in Texas outdoors I'm feeling your pain. although i'm not currently a grower:roll:, i do have a vegetable garden thats taking a beating. I hope this shit cools down soon or rains a little.


Im in CA and we have been having 100+ days anyone know any good tips other than watering to keep em cool? I have already lost one. Which would be a more stressful situation to the plant: leaving in its pot or transplanting into the ground? They are ready to go but I transplanted three last week and lost one already...


Active Member
Transplant if you can water them regularly, at least in the beginning. Also, put some hay, leaves or anything like that over the soil, it helps prevent direct sun to the soil, thus it dryes up slower.

Im from Europe, and i use a thing called agrogel, its a superabsorbant polimer, that binds with water. (1 gram of the crystals holds about 100g of water, it becomes like a jelly and the plant can draw water from it when it needs it). So with agrogel and some cover over the soil i don't even have to water them where i live. :)