Okay so I got tickets for the cannabis cup a long time ago since San Francisco is about 20 min. away from my house and wanted to see what was to be up with this year's cannabis cup
So I arrived at the venue about 12-ish Saturday morning went to the usual registration along with a group of other people in line and there was quite a crowd which was a good sign
I got in the place and it was already booming and filled with people and was easy to find the TGA booth since it was the first booth in as you enter the 215 area
I was greeted warmly by Sub and the rest of the TGA crew and as I was hanging out with him I met a few people as he was talking with the public and it really started picking up and the next thing you know Sub is asking me to be bud tender at his booth which was really quite fun & an honor for me
Hanging in the TGA booth was never a bad thing considering we were downwind from Vernon’s hash bar, I don't think people were prepared for Vernon Hash bar after watching countless people walk away from the bar red-faced, crying & coughing
Vernon came in second place in the concentrates category for his wax which was simply amazing
I swapped Vernon out some seeds for some Pandora's wax that was rated at 89% THC and after a rip of that time seemed to slow down for the next few hours, well done Vernon well done
I have to say Sub and his people really care about people as we gave away bottles of tincture to the people that stop by the booth and had permanent pain or arthritis and some folks were even in wheelchairs and their faces really lit up when we gave them the tinctures to try and take home with them
One fellow who was in a wheelchair said he had some feelings in his legs after trying out some of the Plush Berry which was quite amazing and really shows that there is some medical purposes behind what TGA is doing
The other best part about it was swapping out some flowers with some of the other patients that stopped by the booth, like Jesse & Jane from up in Oregon with their blue hash plant and that Shishaberry was absolutely wonderful
All said and done I am completely wiped out and had a great time and can't wait to hang out with them again at the next Expo in October in Oakland
Thanks to all that came out
Stay green