I just had to find somewhere to say thanks to TGA one more time. Thanks.... This morning I woke up crippled, as I do every morning but WAY worse than normal, I had to slide/roll out of bed and get on my knees before I could stand up because my back hurt so bad, I just couldnt sit straight up, I felt like it would kill me if I did. After an hour of sitting like that nursing a coffee I rolled up some chernobyl and before I was halfway through I was literally pain free, seriously like a magic wand was waived my pain was gone.
And now all pain free...... I can go shovel some snow....... so I can need some more cherny...

that shit works.. That should be TGA's new slogan "It works" nuff said..LOL.
This is what was left over from what I took out to burn + one more bud that was a little bigger than the biggest one in the pic and rolled a joint with it, maybe like 1/2 a gram...maybe that much. This shit is gold dude.
Edit: did I also mention I was completely blazed by the halfway point as well... I'm even happier I started a few new chernys as well, psyched actually.