TGA Subcool Pennywise from clone (selfmedicators 3rd grow)


Well-Known Member
It's a 5 gallon. I almost went 7. I haven't trimmed it yet. Should I just cut the tops off since you use the lower branches for clones?


Well-Known Member
cut it to where its manageable for the space, it`ll keep bushing out also. dude i`ve got to say you have managed to keep some very healthy plants, all of them have been lush looking.


Well-Known Member
Had to order more nutes and saw hydroponic research has a new product called "size". It's a pk booster with magnesium. Decided to try some this round. I did notice this plant is filling out the screen faster. I'm wondering if it's because of the 5 gallon pot. I'm on my fourth week of veg.


Well-Known Member
didn`t you have some over crowding at the start of the last run, that would have slowed it some what. i seen the size looks interesting, let me know what ya think of it.


Well-Known Member
the screen looks like the stretch will fill it out nicely. good `ol mom ready to put out some nice off spring.
so with the new developments of your state are you going to expand or are you just going to stay with what you have now?


Well-Known Member
oh no its not no where near legal here. I just said if it ever does ill go all in. Its probably 50 years down the road here. Too many really old politicians running shit


Well-Known Member
lmfao! my bad......i have the same problem here. there was a time i did a lot bigger than i do know, but those days are behind me. i keep hoping but the reality is we will be one of the last states if it ever happens.


Well-Known Member
I went ahead and flipped today. Got a feeling it will be pretty full in the next couple weeks. This thing really grew this last week.


Well-Known Member
on the last run didn`t the stretch fill out real well.........if this clown car of contractors don`t get the move on i want get anything going. i got a bunch of auto freebies i`m thinking of put outside just to have something growing, its killing me.


Well-Known Member
Ya it did fill out and this one has filled the scree already so it will probably be super full. Got my nutes today and they shorted me a lb. I'm sure they will make it right. They sent me a sample of LIFE too.


Well-Known Member
Temps have been around 92 today in the grow. Room temp around 74. I've been pumping the clone cabinets exhaust into the main grows intake to help keep the smell down. Might not b getting enough cool air. Keeping the clone cabinet at 74 though.