TGA Subcool Vortex / TH Seeds A-train gro

hey i want to thank everybody for all their encouragement, advice, and kind words!

i'm probably signing off this thread for a while until i grow another time. i'll be sure to check back when i do.

by the way, one last thing, the vortex buds totally have a mild sweet baby diaper smell! :weed:

the a-train buds have more of a sharp minty smell. oh and the other little a-train still smells like rotten moldy grass. it's a nasty smell and i haven't smoked any yet. it's almost that lowryder2 woodsy stink only worse.

take care guys and talk to you later.

hello anyone who's still keeping an eye on my thread. i'm going to start a new grow because i just can't fucking stand it when i'm not growing my plants. i'll start a new thread once i get things up and going. this is going to be an indica grow: seedsman narkush, seedsman ata tundra, and nirvana bubblelicious. the first 2 are f1 hybrids and pure indica. the bubblelicious is "mostly indica white strain." these are all seeds i had gifted to me so that's basically the reason i'm going to give them a shot. cheers!
hi - so when i start a new thread and want to send a message in this thread pointing to it can somebody tell me how?

do i just copy the address of the new thread into this one?

hi if anybody is still around.

it's been a while but i thought i'd give you my smoke report.

i think i like the a-train better overall. if i was going to grow one or the other it would be the a-train. it smells and tastes better. it burns better in the pipe. it's more of a stone than a buzz.

the vortex has that rotten poop diaper smell - which isn't bad once you get a whif of it! i kinda like it. my vortex doesn't burn well at all. so i threw some in the grinder and that really helps. i think it's a speedy high. i don't think it tastes particularly good either.

i gave some to my friends and didnt tell them which was which. they thought the a-train made them red eyed, hungry and "fuck i'm tired!"and the vortex more "chill" and "alert," (which they preferred.)

i would say the potency is about equal. a couple of big hits and you're stoned.

i like them both! :joint:
re: vortex

i don't know how to forward the thread but here's something from sub i just saw:

Test Results

I am so excited and I have to tell someone.
I just got off the phone with the lab in Cali and the three strains we entered into the cup all tested very high some of the highest out of all the entries.

I will have full lab stuff when I get the results mailed and more data even tonight when he sends me an e-mail but I am jumping up and down at these numbers and have to tell someone!

THC % 18.08
CBD .55
CBN .06

The only other strain that tested higher was??? You Guessed it Jack Greens Vortex at 18.09

Chernobyl Tested at 17.64 THC

Third Dimension 16.24% THC

These are serious numbers especially since all three samples were grown by different people using different methods.

I always knew my gear was good but now we have real science to back it up.

More info coming​