~TGA's Plush Berry and CheeseQuake~


Well-Known Member
Temps stay at 74 degrees! I'm sad to say I cant mother her, I am moving soon and wont be able to take mothers with me. I will be breeding her with the male that Ive got so I can take the seeds with me!
Awesome ! Hope it works out for you well :)


Well-Known Member
Have had a few issues due to switching media . Here's PlushBerry topped with some training . CheeseQuake is recoperating will post pics of her (I hope) Also pictured is the top fully rooted yesterday .I will 12/12 it for sex after they establish .


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Well-Known Member
Plushberry seems to be a heavy feeder . I just keep upping my dose and she takes it ! Just about to 1 tsp of Jacks 20/20/20 . I just expanded my growspace so we will see her flowering soon .

Making some changes in regard to pot size . I had went for 5g to get some big plants . Now their too big , looks like a 3g is going to be the ideal size for me . We will give it a go with PB and CQ and see if yield is affected . My last plant pulled 2 z's with 250 w of lighting .

Cheese Quake is fully recovered from the calcium def. and is growing like a weed (no pun intended) it hasn,t showed sex yet but I'm optomistic . CQ seems like its going to be a taller plant , it's taller than CQ but not as bushy thusfar .
