Thank You Severance pay

bloody hell nice grow mate, i wish i could grow indoors but my dad wont let me sucks reli ... btw how do you upload your pictures into your posts because mine only come up really small ..cheers


Well-Known Member account (it's free)
upload them there then take the image code (IMG)
and stick it in here, comes up big picture.
little bit more work iguess but ive got pics in there
from 4 years ago
wow thats some really nice bud you got very green and fat colas. is that from your lowryders? i hope to get atleast an ounce when im done .. what was your wet weight or did you not weigh it?


Well-Known Member
orange one is White Widow feminized from g13 labs (freebie)
Those are the dried and cured shots of that strain. its really thick
and sticky. and people always want more after hittin it. I dwarfved it with 12/12 from birth

the other 1 is a ak47.lowryder. feminized