Thanks guys


Active Member
I am in the research stage about to jump into my first grow and would like to say thanks to all of you on this part of RUI. I have asked some dumb questions and got answered in a polite way. There is so much info here that its tough to find at times but have enjoyed reading and reading more than I can handle at times. Once again thanks for not being crude.


Well-Known Member
Cool. I assume that you are doin tha' shroom thang. Good luck homey. Don't be discouraged. Keep your eyes. On the prize.


Well-Known Member
But... how are you going to grow them? Check out my brand new thread - the easiest way.


Active Member
I will proboly do the cake method I read your post and with these cluster headaches 2 months is a long time so I will go the traditional route


Well-Known Member
Seems like you really need to find comfort. I rarely suffer from any type of headache. When I was a kid I had migraines. But from what I've been reading about cluster headaches, they seem painful as hell.
Good luck. And gods speed. If you order the stuff now you can have the materials in less than a business weeks time.



Well-Known Member
I will proboly do the cake method I read your post and with these cluster headaches 2 months is a long time so I will go the traditional route

Consider the actual length of time it takes otherwise, it really isn't that much shorter


Active Member
Yes ch does suck I would rather have a pro football punter kick me in the nuts 5 times a day than deal with these, hopefully I can get some quality of life back. I am not trying to be blunt but these headaches is the 1 thing I would not want anyone to go through.


Active Member
I am waiting on spores going to do penis for the first grow and have everything else. Took a tub and made a sterile box to handle everything so I hope the contam will not be an issue.I have a pc so hopefully I can do cakes for the first grow. Planing on doing bulk with chicken poo its the only real manure I can get so hopefully in about 6 weeks I will be space trippen and throwing my midle finger in the air at the cluster headaches


Well-Known Member
Nice one. There are some good manure and grain recipes on the other "shroom" site. Teks and all. I just ordered myself some manure. I will pickup some rye seed this week.