Thanks, Nutes, and Points


Well-Known Member
First i want to thank everyone here, it has been a pleasure reading the growing information people have kindly contributed to eachother.

I continually see different contributions as to what nutrients to use, but cannot find how or when to properly use them. I plan on starting my first grow within a couple of weeks, but is absolutely necessary to use them to harvest 5 or so ounces from two plants. I know that it matters which strain and all that jazz, but is it realistic to expect that much yield without using nutes? Also what are some homemade nutrients that could be used?

As far as the points thing how does one earn points and level up? :) I want to be a level 70 dark elf :) :) :) JK
Thank You,
Blueberry Dreams


New Member
First i want to thank everyone here, it has been a pleasure reading the growing information people have kindly contributed to eachother.

I continually see different contributions as to what nutrients to use, but cannot find how or when to properly use them. I plan on starting my first grow within a couple of weeks, but is absolutely necessary to use them to harvest 5 or so ounces from two plants. I know that it matters which strain and all that jazz, but is it realistic to expect that much yield without using nutes? Also what are some homemade nutrients that could be used?

As far as the points thing how does one earn points and level up? :) I want to be a level 70 dark elf :) :) :) JK
Thank You,
Blueberry Dreams
Fox Farm Products and here is their schedule;


Well-Known Member
all proper mj nutes are pretty much the same. there is a dif between organic and non, i recomend organic for a first timer. they are easier to use and it`s harder to burn the plants, it`s healthier. i like the flavour better. fox farm is good, but it is strong.what ever one you chose i have a whole bunch of feeding schedules for different nutes. get whatever you can afford, and is easily avaliable. and every body will have a different opinion


Well-Known Member
I grow all my plants using a mix of 4 dropper fulls of Shultz 10-15-10 per gal with 4 drops of Superthrive per gal and I use it like that every time I water and my girls stay healthy all the to harvest and you can pick that up at Home Depot. But 5 oz from 2 plants your first time is a bit much. Whats your set up? Are you vegging clones or starting from seed whats your lighting how big is your box ect...


Well-Known Member
you earn point by people giving them for good help. if you can pull 5 ounces of 2 plants i think you would be better than most people here. i just did a chemo grow and had 8 plants about 1.5 foot to 2.5 feet and got 7 ounces dry and most people that had grown that strain were surprised to see that much under a 430watt light. be happy if you even get 2 ounces, depending on light


Well-Known Member
I was just looking over see more buds book, and he pulled a QP from three so i figured it wasn't unreasonable to expect 5 oz from two. We'll see :)


Well-Known Member
it is possible. i`m just saying that if your following a similar grow it usualy takes a few tries to get it. most growers i know dont tell all the little secrets that make them succesful. thats why they are better. in my past you only tell enough to get them started then if something goes wrong they cant blame you. it`s happened to me so i dont tell that much antmore.
i hope you have a good harvest though


Well-Known Member
who? i give it to them roughly at 3 weeks depends on whet the plant tells me she needs