THANKS to all the RIU members who helped a noob along the yr.


Well-Known Member
Ttitle says it all..
This post was just for anyone here on this site,,that took the time to help me out in a few situations I had during my first grow season.I started out with 10 girls.. came home with 9.. not bad.
I had a bout with suspicious eyes, annoying slugs..battled the cattipillars,earwigs aphids, it seemed that every insect tested mee this summer... A nd to top it off a shit load of rain in last few weeks finished off the battle with budrot.. that wasnt nice... but all in all a fairly good haul.

So,from starting out not really knowing the difference from a calyx to pistel...I give a lot of the credit to RIU ,, I may not have posted much ,but I've stalked/ read and learned more from this site than all combined... If I could enjoy the fruits of my labour with all who helped I would... ( nahh I be selfish..this all for me
lol ;P )
Thanks again everyone ...and if you got em smoke em ..:) oh 'll be smoking :)


Well-Known Member
Nice harvest! Sounds like you've come a long way.

RIU is my goto forum as well :hug:


Well-Known Member
@ laney.. I been all over fourums on the net and it seems to get the right answer it always led me back to RIU .
@ IMchucky.... the wife was getting more and more pissed at the I thought for a min those white bags on the left were gonna be my sleeping quarters she happy its all over ...for this yr ;)
@killer... I havent really done a yield... but half way through I am at approx 500 grms. so figure bout 2 1/2 lbs when finished..
@ robert... next year is a little far away yet...I gonna let my nerves settle a little from the stress of it all this yr ..sit back enjoy my labours for a bit ..and think about nxt yr ...nxt yr... Jan that is ... never too early to begin preparing huh )
Thanks again everyone ...