Thanks Trump!


Well-Known Member
You're full of fucking shit.

The Democrats won the popular vote in 4 of the last 5 presidential elections, won this past election by 2.9 million votes. If Obama could have run again, those who stayed home in Philly, Detroit and Milwaukee would have showed up and voted. Obviously those voters didn't like the candidates.

Trump won with 46%, a historical low in a 2 way race, and only modern and leftover 18th century gerrymandering lets republicans in power. The total popular vote in all congressional elections also was won by Democrats.

Trump will be booted out in 2020. The majority of voters didn't vote for him, don't like him, and the exit polls prove that.

Nothing like a Subway working heroin addict to tell us more fake news.
Popular vote? Wtf is that? Oh thats right. It doesn't matter.

Places like California let illegal aliens vote and many places don't require ID or anything so multiple votes are made. All in Democrat areas.

Since all black people look a like you have to have ID votes for them. Or one person endes up voting for his dead dad or uncle and half his family.

Chunky Stool

Well-Known Member
He already has, Mr. Ostrich.

He saved thousands of jobs already before being sworn in. Carrier and Ford.

More than Obama ever did.
Have you already forgotten the economic mess Obama inherited from GW? What you stated is obviously BS.
Are you trolling for attention or what?


Well-Known Member
Popular vote? Wtf is that? Oh thats right. It doesn't matter.

Places like California let illegal aliens vote and many places don't require ID or anything so multiple votes are made. All in Democrat areas.

Since all black people look a like you have to have ID votes for them. Or one person endes up voting for his dead dad or uncle and half his family.


Well-Known Member
How has my politically charged Golden Gopher super hot women's volleyball team thread turned into a flat earth theory thread?

Much disappoint.:-(