That awkward guerilla moment


Staff member
If youre ever up in Canada give me a shout haha I'll be the one in the forest with a bag of soil at my feet picking daisys
haha well wouldn't ya know im in Canada right now ahahha I live here


Active Member
He was probably looking for some bomb spots to plant his shit LOL
Yes ya'll should of fuckin' teamed up together be one big super gureilla grow team 2013!! and dominate a spot together! Ya'll could of been fuckin' shit up man foreal.


Well-Known Member
I've got a real heart stopper for this kind of situation.

A friend and I went to harvest our first outdoor grow last October, a friend of ours has offered to drive us in his car so we get dropped off about 10 minutes walk from our spot, our lift drives off and waits for our text.

We get to the spot and start chopping away when he see a helicopter fly over. We discuss the possibilities of whether it was a police helicopter or not(it was pitch black 2am). So we've bagged it all up, ready to take home and dry. As we're exiting our location, I hear a strange sound, like a hissing sound and tell my friend to get down in the long grass(I do the same), we're sat there absolutely silent for around 10 seconds, just listening and as we're about to get up and walk on, I hear this sound again, but it was really loud like 10 feet away, so we duck down again and in the moonlight, I see this florescent jacket in between the branching of the bushes and I see it moving relatively fast and realise it's a Police officer doing his rounds on his push bike, I was crapping myself so bad, but thankfully he didn't see us!

My friend had to find a secluded spot as soon as he left though, filthy bastard.

be ez

Well-Known Member
I've got a real heart stopper for this kind of situation.

A friend and I went to harvest our first outdoor grow last October, a friend of ours has offered to drive us in his car so we get dropped off about 10 minutes walk from our spot, our lift drives off and waits for our text.

We get to the spot and start chopping away when he see a helicopter fly over. We discuss the possibilities of whether it was a police helicopter or not(it was pitch black 2am). So we've bagged it all up, ready to take home and dry. As we're exciting our location, I hear a strange sound, like a hissing sound and tell my friend to get down in the long grass(I do the same), we're sat there absolutely silent for around 10 seconds, just listening and as we're about to get up and walk on, I hear this sound again, but it was really loud like 10 feet away, so we duck down again and in the moonlight, I see this florescent jacket in between the branching of the bushes and I see it moving relatively fast and realise it's a Police officer doing his rounds on his push bike, I was crapping myself so bad, but thankfully he didn't see us!

My friend had to find a secluded spot as soon as he left though, filthy bastard.
wow now that's a real close call!! I had a close call at harvest last year going through a police checkpoint with fresh harvest in the back. My heart stopped when I saw their lights. Luckily for me they had just pulled off another car ahead and waived me through without a word.

Chronic Masterbator

Well-Known Member
Wow.... I really would just go out at night. Especially on moon lit nights. If any sign of humans are around for example beer cans trash. Don't plant...


Well-Known Member
Portable thermal is expensive as fuck, but the peace of mind it brings is unbelievable, I highly recommend it. Knowing you are alone, day or night, without question, is just fucking awesome. No cop or random hiker is ever going to be prepared to deal with thermal imaging. Doubt police ever even consider it being used on them.

I only go out at night, try to plan it on moon-less night so I have the complete advantage. Anyone else out there is going to have a cheap flashlight, maybe a cop would have a nice surefire, but no one but the grower is going to have thermal. Even if the garden has been staked out, know your vantage points and stake out your own garden for a good while before entering. If someone is watching, trust me, they wont wait in the same silence and as motionless as a grower who doesn't want to be found, and all it takes is them sticking there arm out from behind that tree one time for you to know that they are there.

be ez

Well-Known Member
Portable thermal is expensive as fuck, but the peace of mind it brings is unbelievable, I highly recommend it. Knowing you are alone, day or night, without question, is just fucking awesome. No cop or random hiker is ever going to be prepared to deal with thermal imaging. Doubt police ever even consider it being used on them.
Where and for how much could I get one of these?


Well-Known Member
I have a Flir Scout, cant remember the model off hand. Out to a couple hundred yards, if you are there, I will see you and all the squirrels that are trying to sniff your ass. I bought mine off a friend who bought it and hardly used it, he owed me for a favor for a stack wagon I sold him dirt cheap a while back, so I got it for a couple thousand, but I think he said he paid 8 or 9 for it new.