That Spanish Girl? Ya...typical untrustworthy girl

bitches get a hard grudge fuck
lmao....hell yea,I'm talking about that when you hitting a girl doggy style,and you go too deep she tries to push you back,but push her hand away and continue to drill away kind of no mercy fuck.
there are plenty of fine mature caring woman out their.
u just are lookin for the wrong ones.
if i stick my dick in every bitch who looked my way id have sum fucked up things to share too.
whats that big bulge around a girls pussy called?

a woman!

also a woman is a life support system for the pussy.

some girls prob be hatin' bout now but it ain't nuttin new
lol..The pussy is a weapon they use against us men,but it don't work,either give it up,or I'm gonna get elsewhere,specially if their no commitment their between us.
yes, but the bottom line is they got the pussy.

their like, i got the pussy and it's gooood
I think like a pimp would,so after she says "I got the pussy,and it's gooood" I'll say so,I got the dick,so whats your point,how I see it,I'm not just getting pussy,but your getting dick,so it's fair,you aint doing me no favors lol..no_weapon_formed_against_me_shall_prosper_tshirt-p235922637827230851t5tr_400.jpg
I think like a pimp would,so after she says "I got the pussy,and it's gooood" I'll say so,I got the dick,so whats your point,how I see it,I'm not just getting pussy,but your getting dick,so it's fair,you aint doing me no favors lol..

and if that don't work
slap 'em around with the nuts
or as andrew dice would say,
balls across the nose WHOA!
I agree.

Especially that it takes time to find a decent girl.

Be glad that girl isnt a stalker. It might seem like a compliment, but stalkers are the worse. I would get calls of her crying, driving by my place randomly, crying in public if we ran into each was awful.
I feel you man
Most chicks my age aren't ready to settle down , even if they say they are they aren't.
This is why I'm single. I got "bitches" but I haven't met THAT ONE yet.

I'm young and loving life right now.
Stay on yo grind homie dont let these hoes get to you
Toot it and boot it unless you find a good one
Then you would want to put a baby in it and trap her ass lol
So the job that I got (waiting 10 days now for the background check to clear) gives me a company trailer to live in on the drilling rig site location

until then, been living in my car (parked outside a laundromat where i can access wifi) meals on my roof with my coleman burner...just killin time. This is where I ran into this chick the other day

Well she came back today...alone this time. Parked next to me, stood outside my car talking to me for a good 2 hours...I asked her tons of questions about her country, her move to the US, cultural differences, etc.

She mentioned that most of her friends are guys because "girls hate me" ...I'm like yeah well girls are competitive and guys probably wanna fuck you. lol

She sorta kept reinforcing the differences between american/colombian culture in terms of relationships, marriage and sex...that pre-marital sex is common here and not so much in colombia....but then went on to talk all about "sex motels", prostitution, etc. in her home country. She said the girls there would find me so attractive because I have blue eyes and I'm American...which is prestigeous and means I most likely have money...apparently 50k will buy you a real nice upscale house in colombia...

I've learned to not trust girls when they say they have a lot of guy friends cuz guys are easier to get along with and understand

Despite her sincerity, I think the most honest thing she said was when she eluded to the fact that she likes hard-to-get guys. The way she described it, literally, was "i like guy who no try hard to want kisses, sex...if guy says he want kisses, sex, if he show he want me i no want him"


ugh her ass is so fucking sexy