That Sweet smell of CFL


Day 4-5 of flowering.

Seeing something on all four plants worth keeping an eye on. Not sure if its Preflower, new growth, or male syndrome lol



Well-Known Member
have u seen those big ass 200 watt cfl bulbs lol i bet those fuckers work great but they cost too much lol, i got some 65 watts that are great for veggin,nice grow too


nope.. but i think these are getting too big for my setup. I was planning on only repotting once.. and since im using a bed-like approach it's like impossible to get them into a bigger bed.

any ideas RIU..


Well-Known Member
nope.. but i think these are getting too big for my setup. I was planning on only repotting once.. and since im using a bed-like approach it's like impossible to get them into a bigger bed.

any ideas RIU..

Get a bigger tub... they have one about 3 times bigger than that at walmart... gonna have to go a lil bigger my friend :blsmoke:


thanks dduo.. but i was looking for ideas on how to transplant them lol No problems when going from pot to pot. But Tub to Tub?????

josh b

Well-Known Member
nice grow man u done 12/12 from seedling gd idea it still produces gd ammounts with sativa strains and dosent effect the bud potency.
i am doing 2 weeks of veg then 12/12 also using clf's.
check out my grow ill keep an eye on this grow and mayb u should check mine dude :D

it also has a link to a website (icmag) that has over 200 pages of 12/12 from seed growers.
this includes the best strains and nutes/lighting to use if ur doing 12/12 from seed.

hope it helps keep it up


grow space

Well-Known Member
Nice mann..healthy looking plants...
I vegged over a month with 26(5) watters, and now i got 4 t12 tubes 58 w each running as well...all nice and even mixed spectrum...

Keep up the good work mate...



lol i vegged for 30 days!!! they are small because i kept them in Solo cups for the whole 30. I'm currently what.. 9 days flowering now?

A lil worried/ frustrated/ confused on what to do about my potting situation tho. INPUT RIU!? re potting a bed.. can it be done.


Well-Known Member
well ur first prob is that tub is clear which means that the light is getting through and hitting the roots that is no good and can damage/ stunt the growth of the plant. you should duct tape the whole tub so that no light can get to your roots. and for repotting get a bigger tub and ur just gonna have to be super careful when trying to transplant. give them a good watering then i would suggest trying to scoop them out with the dividers in the tub one by one so u dont damage any of the roots then you could prob use the same tub just fill up the bottom with dirt again then put them back in it looks like they are pretty far down in the tub, or get a bigger one either works. well good luck keep it updated.


Ok.. Duck taping sides tonight... won't have cash for more soil until Friday.
Transplanting these things is going to be an art... an art i hope i can conquer. STILL NO SEX! They want to show but just won't!



Well-Known Member
so do you know what kind of plants these are and if u said it already i must have missed it but they should start to show in the next few days. and do feed them with anything? also you should definately get at least a half off of one of those plants assuming there female because they are on day 9 of flowering they should still double at least in size if not more. lookin good good luck with transplanting keep it updated


Ok no one's asked so i havnt said anything.. but No i am not feeding them anything. No stores around here except lowes or wallyworld that i could get aything.
And i don't know what kind they are exactly.. but all came from my Funk sack o seeds. All kinds from lemon G, to silver dumpster in that bag so who knows what popped up. If Lowes sells anything i could use to flower let me know


Ok no one's asked so i havnt said anything.. but No i am not feeding them anything. No stores around here except lowes or wallyworld that i could get aything.
And i don't know what kind they are exactly.. but all came from my Funk sack o seeds. All kinds from lemon G, to silver dumpster in that bag so who knows what popped up. If Lowes sells anything i could use to flower let me know

sup man nice grow. i use peters 20-20-20 for veg and mirical grow bloom buster for bud with good results. and u can get bolth at lowes( thats where i got mine).... and as far as transplanting get another tub thats a little bigger and fill it with soil, set the tub with the plants directly on top of the new soil in the new tub. now the hard part you gotta cut the bottom out of the og tub without the whole thing falling out. what i would probably do is cut medium to slightly large holes directly under each plant this way you will still have some suport while you have the tub on an angle. after that start watering the bottom tub more than the top tub so the roots will grow into the new soil in serch for food.
if anything dont make sence let me know ill do my best to help.
good luck man and happy growin:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Ok.. Duck taping sides tonight... won't have cash for more soil until Friday.
Transplanting these things is going to be an art... an art i hope i can conquer. STILL NO SEX! They want to show but just won't!

yea u need to make sure them roots are not getting any light


I'm going with the larger tub transplant rout Friday. If i use a black light, could i transplant at night?
Oh an here's some couchlock im workin with now
.. mmmmm



Active Member
Saturday 10/10/2009.. they were switched to 12/12; Saturday being the first 12 hour day.

And Magik.. thank you for the advise but i'm working with hanging sockets and splitters ha. If there are any close to free solutions i'm all ears.
hey man heres a cheap way to set up cfls horizontal. alls you need is an extension cord, a couple plug in sockets, and splitters.:weed:

