That's it. The sandwich gets it!!!!!


Well-Known Member
i'm so hungry. i think i have some nacho cheese bugles. don't have time for a pic of those, i'm eating.

Damn fdd2blk that sandwich pic made me hungry.
I think it is time to fire up the toaster oven.
I am thinking ham,turkey,beef,balogna and colby and chedar cheese.
hot wings tonight made with my special homemade habanero based sauce. I've made grown men cry with this stuff. I use it to treat my stomach ulcer, or at least divert my attention from it for an hour or so.
That's a good looking Pizza but I made one yesterday and it was the shit

Just got done making a German Chocolate Cake ( no frosting though ) and nobody here to eat it but ME ( hell yeah ) even though I'll only eat one peice

what the hell is the white one right there?

eat one and tell me what it is?

Dude, you are really a stoner you probably eat more than I do and that's all damn day. ( never gain weight though )

what the hell is the white one right there?

eat one and tell me what it is?

Dude, you are really a stoner you probably eat more than I do and that's all damn day. ( never gain weight though )


"disco berry" and it really is. it's sweet and sparkly. hehehehe:mrgreen: