thc and males


Well-Known Member
so im gonna do an outdoor grow and was wondering if i plant at diff locations can i leave male plants? also Ive heard that males produce thc similar to schwag weed? that would be the only reason id keep the guys. any truth to these


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure males don't produce anything smokable.

Could be wrong though.


the widowman

Well-Known Member
soon as you find a male it has to be pulled up and hashed. some strains you can make hash from the males, some strains you're wasting your time.


Active Member
some strains of males have up to 3% thc. most people pick when they are just about to open and make hash oil with them. But I've also heard of people picking them and smashing them while rolling the whole bud into a joint shaped thing, wrap the smashed in a fan leave then drying them. When its completely dry, you can smoke it like a joint.


Well-Known Member
Male plants are pretty much useless, unless for breeding purposes..although you all know no bud come from males, and also no SEEDS come from males, just little flowers full of pollen. although the wife will swear some of the best leaf she ever smoked come from a male....I say KILL ALL OF THE MALES SO THEY LEAVE MY BITCHES ALONE.........