THC % Does Not Measure The High

When you press rosin a lot of the oils are still stuck in the pot you just pressed tho. When they test in the lab they use solvents to remove all the oils form the pot then measure the percentage of the various cannabinoids in the oil recovered.

I spent about an hour just now trying to find out if the %THC or other cannabinoids relates to how much in dry plant material or the % of each in the total amount of oil extracted from a specific amount of dried material. All sorts of stuff about preparing samples for testing with various methods and how much sample to use but nothing about how the percentage rating relates to what you ingest.

I've come to the conclusion that it must be relative to the total amount of oil extracted but I still don't know for certain and I do like to have the facts before stating I know what I'm talking about. I have been accused of being wrong before. ;)

This is why I came to the conclusion I did. If it was the percent relative to the dry material, pot that is rated 20%THC would have 200mg of THC in a single fat joint and would put all but the most chronic of tokers in orbit. Or a rubber room for a few days. :)

200mg of THC in an edible might make you the first cannabis fatality ever. Here, try this. It'll make ya famous. View attachment 3956782

If anyone knows for sure and has a link or two to the info too, (had to do that last too. :) ), I'd sure like to see it.


THC absorption from smoking a joint is very poor though compared to other methods. Probably in the range of 25-35% of that 200mg. Regarding potent edibles, I dose my mother close to 800mg a day, using 4x a day 200mg caps that I lab test each run to be sure. I wouldn't give it to someone who doesn't use edibles much, but certainly you can build tolerance and consume very large amounts without ill effect.

edot: damn I didn't realize how old that post was lmao.
Hello All ,

New user here . Not so new grower . No old timer either .

I recently have taken to testing my strains for THC % with a local lab . I am noticing the grows that get great user reviews do not necessarily have the highest THC % . In fact , the local favorite is coming in at 9% , which is half of my other strains !

I do not think the lab is at fault . I think there is a lot more to the quality of the high than THC % . In addition , I am starting to question the reasoning behind the commonly held notion that Sativas are always energetic and Indicas are sleepers .

There is a BBC documentary that really seems to confirm this . See YouTube

Does anybody have similar observations ?

I am trying to understand why some strains make people giggle and chat and others make people sleep . THC % is not the deciding factor . CBD ? CBN ? Other Magic Stuff ?

Thank You ,
Matt Thematic

.. in 1975 I smoke some Panama Red that I had to pull over and put the joint out.

there's nothing anywhere near it today and that red likely was grown in a field, dried in the Sun and pressed into a brick before it got to me and it was 10 times anything around today. just my two cents, good luck
.. in 1975 I smoke some Panama Red that I had to pull over and put the joint out.

there's nothing anywhere near it today and that red likely was grown in a field, dried in the Sun and pressed into a brick before it got to me and it was 10 times anything around today. just my two cents, good luck
o_O u need to smoke some of my flower then....

Dude said grown in field dried in the sun and pressed into a brick and STILL 10 times better than anything. :lol:
o_O u need to smoke some of my flower then....

Dude said grown in field dried in the sun and pressed into a brick and STILL 10 times better than anything. :lol:
you have to account for nostalgia, old guys remember shit way differently than it really happened. i know this, because i'm an old guy, and there's no way the past occurred as i recall it....
you have to account for nostalgia, old guys remember shit way differently than it really happened. i know this, because i'm an old guy, and there's no way the past occurred as i recall it....
Haha I think your right. Nostalgia has a way of over emphasizing certain aspects of the experience. I bet if he smoked some panama red today he wouldn't even get high...My-Life-Is-A-Lie-severus-snape-29988484-546-239.jpg
you have to account for nostalgia, old guys remember shit way differently than it really happened. i know this, because i'm an old guy, and there's no way the past occurred as i recall it....

The only exaggeration there was saying 10 times it was twice as good as the real Acapulco Gold and that was three times better than anything current, so I'd say 6 x anything current

..maybe you need to comment more about shit you don't know :spew: bionic chronic?
i was there, i smoked a lot of brickweed.....when we got something that wasn't smashed all to shit, we were pretty happy. when we got something that wasn't smashed to shit, and actually smelled good, we were joyous....but i honestly can't say that weed from 35 years ago was that great compared to what i grow today.
i think it was more that my receptor cells weren't already clogged up with resin, and i hadn't killed half my lifetime allowance of brain cells yet
Get more CBD in the toke and you wont feel as high in fact it will prevent negative effects. I at over 100 mg today of CBD and smoked maybe 2 bowls and a blunt of CBD flower mixed with some mids weed and Im pretty chill not too blasted, this is why strains like harley quinn and cannatonic exist so you can function and maybe say a boss or authoritive figure doesnt see you look like Pauly Shore lol
i was there, i smoked a lot of brickweed.....when we got something that wasn't smashed all to shit, we were pretty happy. when we got something that wasn't smashed to shit, and actually smelled good, we were joyous....but i honestly can't say that weed from 35 years ago was that great compared to what i grow today.
i think it was more that my receptor cells weren't already clogged up with resin, and i hadn't killed half my lifetime allowance of brain cells yet

Well that wouldn't be out first difference of opinion would it Mr.shrub! LOL I don't know whats happened to the weed these days I don't know if it's over bred or if governments did something to it (gmo?) but in my opinion its of no comparison to the weed in the mid-70s ( and I'm far from the only one who feels like that )

I've even wondered if the cannabis feminization process has hurt the weed ? I stopped smoking for the most part when I stop growing in about 95, when I got married. then 21 years later I came back and this is what I found, just my opinion and my observation

I feel kinda bad for the people who think they're smoking killa shit, it's nothing like it was in the 70s, just my opinion but I've smoked and sold a lot of it in the 70s so it's an informed opinion at least

I remember it well, and I still have some pictures of it, I'll dig up what I can find at some point and post them somewhere
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Well that wouldn't be out first difference of opinion would it Mr.shrub! LOL I don't know whats happened to the weed these days I don't know if it's over bred or if governments did something to it (gmo?) but in my opinion its of no comparison to the weed in the mid-70s ( and I'm far from the only one who feels like that )

I've even wondered if the cannabis feminization process has hurt the weed ? I stopped smoking for the most part when I stop growing in about 95, when I got married. then 21 years later I came back and this is what I found, just my opinion and my observation

I feel kinda bad for the people who think they're smoking killa shit, it's nothing like it was in the 70s, just my opinion but I've smoked and sold a lot of it in the 70s so it's an informed opinion

I remember it well, and I still have some pictures of it, I'll dig up what I can find at some point and post them somewhere
Spoke briefly with Dr. Gruber about Green Thumb Panama Red, he's got a thread by that name running now

Can't tell but on Green Thumb website that looks a lot like I remember the real Panama Red looking ? Dr. Gruber says it is, says he smoked it back in the 70s and it's the same weed ?

long story short this fall I'm going to buy and try, they're a bit pricey for my liking but I'm going to give it a shot, hope against hope I guess, looking forward to it, maybe even do a grow thread on it..
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I smoked my first joint when I was 14 and that was 1968.

The first buds I ever grew in '78 were bagseed Thai Stick, Jamaican Red Hair, Maui Wowie and some anonymous Mexican sativa. About the first pot we ever got in Calgary back then that wasn't Mexican dirt pot/brickweed was the Thai.

I was driving cab then and a dealer I transported often and would score from gave me a stick to try and offered me weight if I wanted it at $400/lb when bricks were going for $200 but 1/3 of that weight was stems and seeds that ain't got the buzz this old head needs.

He said to roll my joints as skinny as I could make them but I took it as a sales pitch. Got my buddies over to try it out and twisted up one doob about half as thick as a cigarette. Everybody's cracking wise with shit like "don't be such a cheap fuck and roll a bomber eh".

There was 7 of us and that joint made it around twice. By the time I got my second hit I was wondering if I should take it. No pussy on me so I hit it hard and swung it to my left.

It was f'n trippy as hell. Every one of us was wasted off our collective asses. I offered to twist up another one and got 6 resounding NOs!

I scrounged up the money for the first lb and he fronted me a 2nd with it. Actually they came in kilo bricks so it was 2.2 lbs. The sticks are pressed into a brick form but not smashed into a block like the dirt weed. Seems he'd been having a hard time moving it for the price.

Rather than try to bust up the brick dry I carefully split it apart in big chunks then steamed it over a pot of simmering water so it fell apart and you could take the sticks off intact rather than end up with a lot of shake.

Long story short I made tons of cash off that stuff and found a few seeds, like 4, out of all the lbs I handled over the next year or so.

Just don't get that same kind of buzz from anything I've smoked in decades. I'd trade my useless left nut for a few of those seeds but have found out that Chocolate Thai was the strain those old sticks were made from if you can find a land race of it.

Well that wouldn't be out first difference of opinion would it Mr.shrub! LOL I don't know whats happened to the weed these days I don't know if it's over bred or if governments did something to it (gmo?) but in my opinion its of no comparison to the weed in the mid-70s ( and I'm far from the only one who feels like that )

I've even wondered if the cannabis feminization process has hurt the weed ? I stopped smoking for the most part when I stop growing in about 95, when I got married. then 21 years later I came back and this is what I found, just my opinion and my observation

I feel kinda bad for the people who think they're smoking killa shit, it's nothing like it was in the 70s, just my opinion but I've smoked and sold a lot of it in the 70s so it's an informed opinion at least

I remember it well, and I still have some pictures of it, I'll dig up what I can find at some point and post them somewhere

Why the fug are you being such a jerk about this shit?

Just going by tested THC levels pot today is 3-5x stronger than even the best of the 70s.

Biggest problem is that most are so bastardized they have no character any more. It's all a bunch of mongrel mutts that have very little to offer that stands out from the rest of the bastard tribe.

It's the younger crowd mostly getting into dabbing like it's something new. I was dabbing killer honey oil back in '75. The hash we got was pretty killer too.

I'm an old fart now and getting into growing hi-CBD strains but keeping my paddle in the water for for decent THC strains too. Got some Critical Mass budding up critically at 15 days 12/12 now with the AK47 not far behind in size. The BlueBerry are just starting to bud up like the OG#18. Not impressed but the toke will tell.

They don't call it Critical Mass for nothing. 15 days in with about 48 to go if it's 9 weeks 'til done. Gonna need derricks! :)


I mostly just do little hits in my pipe for smoking now. 90% of my pot consumption is cocobudder. So much better for what ails me.
Pot is supposed to make people chill. Maybe it's not for you. pass.gif

i dunno, i'm not saying anyone is wrong. if you liked the old school stuff, then you liked it. more power to you trying to find it again. i'm sure it's out there somewhere, but you probably aint gonna find it for sale at a seedbank, you're going to have to go callin in the hollers to find anything like that. used to be an old man named Burl we all bought from, his sons pretty much lived copperhead road, all three went to viet nam, and came back with sacks of seed, so for a long time we were getting vietnamese landrace weed in east tenn. i do miss that.....wish i knew where they used to grow, i'd like to go looking for wild plants in the area. there are a few strains from back then i'd like to have again, but for the most part, my early weed smoking career was crappy brick weed, and bad homegrown (not mine) and i wouldn't take any of those seeds if you paid me
Well that wouldn't be out first difference of opinion would it Mr.shrub! LOL I don't know whats happened to the weed these days I don't know if it's over bred or if governments did something to it (gmo?) but in my opinion its of no comparison to the weed in the mid-70s ( and I'm far from the only one who feels like that )

I've even wondered if the cannabis feminization process has hurt the weed ? I stopped smoking for the most part when I stop growing in about 95, when I got married. then 21 years later I came back and this is what I found, just my opinion and my observation

I feel kinda bad for the people who think they're smoking killa shit, it's nothing like it was in the 70s, just my opinion but I've smoked and sold a lot of it in the 70s so it's an informed opinion at least

I remember it well, and I still have some pictures of it, I'll dig up what I can find at some point and post them somewhere

My father would share your view, hes into all old school 70s stuff and eastern hash. He had some respect for a blunt roach of the real chronic strain tht marked the 90s I gave him which somehow he managed to roll a whole J with it mixing with tobacco and it still ooozed with resin. But he will tell me all these new tweenies strains are comercial shit for children like nike and coca cola lol