Like many of you, I want to try so much different strains that even 70e(80$) for each leads to insane amount of money, making your choice even harder ! But in the same time I realized I was not that much interested in the hype hybrid strains and more of the "pure" strains..
Also as a newbie I think it's good to start from there with the basics and I found out they are way cheaper than many chucked "elite strain" with little to no work.
Now my list is pretty much Ace and Mandala seeds, and the few "hype" strain that I will get are from breeders that at least do some work on their line like Karma and Trichome jungle. There are many more but that's the one I'm looking for.
Finally I won't give a cent to a breeder(?) that doesn't give any information about the strain they sell, beside which cross it is. IMO they lose a lot of consumers for this reason.