THC Garden #2 New and improved


Active Member
so far everything is working ok. I seeing a slight difference in growth in my veg tray. The plant in the dwc is starting some growth today. I suppose it had a couple days of recuperating from transplanting. clones are nice. I really like how well they do. In the begining i was cuting them small only leaving 4-5 leaves maybe 5 inches tall. Now I cut them with 7-8 leaves and about 8 inches tall. they handle everything better and I dont have to veg as long to get the height I need to flower them. Ive got 2 sets of 4 into flower already the first set is looking great the second just went in yesterday and they still look pretty nice. Im having a hard time geting my veg tray dialed in to grow right. Im using ionic grow along with diamond nectar and I added some superthrive. I expected to see better growth than 1-2 inches a week I need to see 3-4 to make me happy. When i was runing rockwool and hydroton i was seeing 1-2 daily. I was always under the impression coco would be the same of better. I am considering adding some magical mabye coco lacks in that department. I guess ill have to research some more.


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Nothing new going today. everything is growing nice. I managed to gain control of the noisy air pump. still having issues keeping the pH of my res's in check. I have major stretch in my flowering room. Mainly because I got to busy and forgot to lower my hood to the right height over the course of a week they stretched about 8 inches. I have photos to post. You can all see my 4 ft mother plants. I honestly don't thing I can maintain 8 mothers only taking 4 clones a week. Cloning is going good. I seem to be having roots by the 10-12 day so it works great I transplant every week and the clones a week behind. The plant in the dwc is starting to grow nicely the roots are almost in the res. On another note. I am starting to dislike coco for the flood and drain. Its dirty the growth rate isn't there and the pH is a bitch I'm going to go broke buying pH down. I use it every day my pH is 7.0 I knock it down to 5.8 the next day 7.0 again. I am considering using the rock wool cubes in the felt grow bags. on the other hand I really love these felt grow bags they are easy to transport with the handles. Any how here some photos. sorry no buds yet maybe next week we will start to see some.


Active Member
I have bud formation on the first 4 that went into flowering. took 2 weeks to show now just another 8 and we might have a harvest.


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This week I'm doing everything today instead of Sunday. New clones today and 4 more plants into flowering room 4 more into veg. Ive taken some photos of other parts of my flower room. I recently started using outside air for the intake on my air pump. It seems to be helping to lower the res temp. Next Sunday I will be turning the 1000w lighting on right now I only have the 600 running. today I also trimmed my plants that are in week 3 of flowering the bottom 1/3 of the plant. They are so small I wanna get the bigger tops rather than small side popcorn far this grow is going well. A few things I plan to change in the near future, I don't care for coco to much I am going to start using the 6 inch rock wool blocks instead of the bags filled with coco. I am going to replace all my tables they are trays I found at Menards for 9 dollars and they don't drain very well leaving about 1-2 inches of water in the bottom of the tray. I'm worried about root rot and also higher humidity. I know the regular flood trays at the hydro store have lowered areas to place the fill and drain plumbing to help get better drainage. At 60 a pop they will have to wait a little longer I might do 1 at a time until they are all replaced. Those are the two main changes I plan to make hopefully once that is done Ill start getting the growth I expect. Here is some photos of everything.



Active Member
everything is looking good. I got the new stuff. I ended up going with 6x6 square pots white ones. with the grow cubes. I dont wanna mess with coco no more for now. maybe learn it in a soiless fashion befor attemping hydro with it. the ph is hard to handle and Im going throu magical like no ones business knocking down mag. def. . I am going to pick up some new pumps this week as well those 160 gph pumps form htg suck it wont will my 2x3 trays in 15 minuites it takes around 23 minuites and it struggles to do that. I am gonna grab some ecoplus 185's they seem to have the spunk to raise 20 gallons of water less than 3 feet. they should call those htg ones 100 gph pumps since I have a 130 that out performs it. either way. They dwc plant is taking off good. gained 3 inches since last friday and about 5 inches in girth. plus my root system is geting fairly nice sized. I added some floralisious plus in with the ionic grow that i was using in there. Keeping my ph around 6.0. my water temps sit around 65.7 In all my veg room res seem to be hiting that mark. my flower room reses run a little lower. for now after i kick on that 1000w light sunday we will gauge the room/res temps then. now my room temps chill around 68 so hopefully that only raises maybe 10 degrees. If not Ill have to kick on the ceiling fan and see if that helps.