THC Level in Seedlings.


Active Member
On a mission for a friend, here are the details:
Stopped for speeding and law saw him toss a roach out the window, law asked if there was anything else in vehicle he needed to know about. Search begins! Well what do we have here? 4 clone seedlings about 3" tall.
Charges:Drugs Sche VI (mfg, sell, deliver etc) Marihua.

His question to me was "Find out the level of THC if any.

I'm sure from state to state the laws are different and I'm not even sure if Tennessee has a level or is Zero Tolerence!

He tried NORML but they have failed to reply so far.

Thanking ahead for any reasonable answer.


Well-Known Member
No thc n seedlings. But thc levels arnt gonna matter. If hes trying to use that the plant has no thc n it at this stage hes still gonna lose becaise he had pot plants with him. Now depending on the state if the plants "mature" by showing signs of sex then its illegal if u posses to many. But out and out if he doesnt have a MMJ card and he had 4 plants and whatever else there gonna get him/u guys for it. nothing else is going to dictate how it goes n court. 2 guys with 4 baby pot plants, that just tosed a roach out the window... Guilty. U better get a good rep man and good luck to u and ur buddy


Active Member
THC won't matter, but seedlings/clones do have some THC. He needs to find a good lawyer. Cultivation alone is a felony that could land him in jail for six years with a $5k fine. That being said, tell your friend to remain calm. He isn't the first, and he won't be the last. He should tell the police nothing, but make sure his lawyer knows that his growing was for personal use. If the cops/DA are not total hardasses, he might be able to plead it down to simple possession. At the very least, he should get the intent to distribute etc thrown out.

Now, there is a good chance the cops are working on a search warrant for his home. Make sure he doesn't have anything incriminating in his home. Be careful, because the police might pay some attention of who/what are coming out of the house if they're working on a warrant. If they want a warrant, they're probably already working on it and it could come down any minute (clones in a car probably produce PC for the warrant ). If they can't get a warrant, they may very well try a 'knock-and-talk' at his home where they try to get your friend to give them enough PC to secure a warrant. During this warrantless knock-and-talk, they may say things like 'give us the plants,' 'we know they are in there' or any number of things like that. Don't let them in without a warrant! If they had enough they would already be inside.

Open the door and step outside, if you must. They may still say they 'smell marijuana', and the likely will. It doesn't matter if this is true or not, that will be enough for them to get a warrant, and they may be able to secure the home and keep your friend outside until they get it. I know this may not help much, but at least you know what could be coming. Good luck, and remember - you can have a trial by jury of your peers in this great nation. Luckily, 50% of the country thinks marijuana should be legal. DAs know that, any many of them are willing to deal rather than face the jury. Again, get a lawyer. It is expensive, but totally worth it.


Well-Known Member
First and most important thing: Your friend needs to GET A GOOD LAWYER and EXERCISE HIS RIGHT TO REMAIN SILENT.

Quick answer, is no significant THC in seedlings.

Unfortunately, that's probably irrelevant. I'm not familiar with TN State law, but they probably have ANY part of a MJ plant specifically listed as illegal. This is why you want a lawyer who is experienced in such cases working with you, he'll know the ins and outs of how to work the case.

If they charge him with simple possession, the actual weight of the seedlings is low. . .he'll probably get off with the lowest charge there, which might just be a stiff fine. That's probably the best outcome.

On the other hand, if they try to go for a cultivation charge, that's bad news. 4 plants is a small number, but TN apparently has pretty harsh cultivation laws. Any cultivation is a felony, punishable by 1-6 years in jail. I think that's going to be a harder charge to prove, and bluntly with 4 teeny plants, and a young stupid defendant, the prosecutor may agree to a guilty plea on a lesser charge. If he can show that he legitimately is an MMJ user (and not just "a pothead") he might get a little more compassion from the judiciary.