Thc worms!!!!


Well-Known Member
Ok, 3 days ago i noticed the tip cola of two of my branches was dried up looking. I pealed off some of the dead stuff and a worm/larva came out with it. I took the rest of the dead bud off and searched every square inch of my plant for anything else. Well this afternoon i found on the same plant two more branches have been eaten from the inside out by these fucking worms/larva. My Question is, How do you stop something you can't see until its too late, they are eating the TIPS of my Pride Plants Branches!!!! HOW DO I STOP THIS BEFORE THEY RUIN MY HARVEST???



Well-Known Member
dude i got the same prob just get some spray shit that kills cabbage worms and spray the eggs and that will slow up their damage Bt really works but i cannot find it at a fucking shit store like home depot