The 12/12 From Seed Club, Show off Your Girls


Well-Known Member
just wondering how long it takes to see the sex in 12/12 frMaybom seed? i have never done it and was just wondering. Maybe 2 weeks?


Well-Known Member
just wondering how long it takes to see the sex in 12/12 frMaybom seed? i have never done it and was just wondering. Maybe 2 weeks?
Two weeks is about right but be patient a third week may be neccessary if they are coming from seed... Not only that but there are so many other factors too like strain, lighting, etc... Happy hair hunting


Active Member
i wasnt aware you could grow without a veg stage im starting a new plant its my 1st can i just go str8 to a 12/12 cycle??? its about 4in now lol if i can do it how long will it take for me to have some bud????


Well-Known Member
i wasnt aware you could grow without a veg stage im starting a new plant its my 1st can i just go str8 to a 12/12 cycle??? its about 4in now lol if i can do it how long will it take for me to have some bud????
great isnt it? im on my first 12\12 from seed grow too. the flowering time will be about the same 8-10 wks but as i was told they will still veg for a week or two regardless of light schedual. so im gonna put my money on 11-12 wks start to finish. ill be finding out soon enough


Active Member
afghanboy you can also pull a male plant just before it releases its pollin, cut off a pollen sack and add pollen by hand to only one bud on the female. Then u will get seeds and still seedless buds also.


Active Member
im starting my first grow 12/12 grow today about how long is this gonna take???? n i know ima have a smaller yeild due to no vegg growth but how about much of a yeild should i be expecting??? idk what strain im groin its just some bagseed i had


Active Member
im starting my first grow 12/12 grow today about how long is this gonna take???? n i know ima have a smaller yeild due to no vegg growth but how about much of a yeild should i be expecting??? idk what strain im groin its just some bagseed i had
Some facts to help you:

Below is Northern Lights by Nirvana, feminised seeds. Soon as seeds cracked they were planted directly into large pots, (its better to let those roots stretch in a 12/12 from seed grow, you dont want anything to slow them down!).

Showed sex (first pistils) at day 18 from cracking. They are currently at day 41 in the picture. Thus you are seeing the development just 13 days from pre flowers. I expect them to be ready in about 77 days (11 weeks) total. So, I like to work on say 3 weeks roughly to show sex, then a further 8 weeks flowering time but of course the entire cycle is on 12/12 since first day.

I look for strains that stretch well so that you can get some training in to encourage side branching using LST, again I dont want to 'top' or 'pinch out' at all as this slows development slightly on a 12/12 grow, LST is just that....low stress to a plant.

Yields are more difficult. I'm a 13 year grower so I have a good feel for my strains BUT I choose to grow CFL's (350watts). I also grow 2 plants per pot and I look to pull a solid 1.5 OZ fully dried per pot. This represents an average of just 21 grams per plant, sometimes more. In my small set up its possible to pull around 3 'dry' OZ's every 11 weeks, plus I have a couple of other small plants going in between. This more than keeps me smoking happily, I certainly don't need any more than that. If I was a heavy user I might consider a HPS but I'm not so I dont :-)

Long post but I hope it illustrates the appeal of 12/12 growing from seed or clone.

Heres a shot of one of my current NL's pots at day 41, as I said I expect to finish around day 77. Also one from my last grow, Bubba O Kush close to finishing, 2 per pot as usual, 12/12 from seed of course! gave me 45 grams fully dried and in the jar. I grow 4 plants in 2 x 8 litre pots and fill in with smaller individual plants in 2 litre pots.

Hope all this helps someone to give 12/12 a go :-)




Active Member
Got a little bit of an issue, well not really. My ladies are doing GREAT and BLEW up after I repotted them in a gallon bucket. I potted them together to save on space, anyways...

They are in the same pot, but the one that I feel is doing the best (growing really fast) I noticed yesterday the tips are curled down and today they are black. Not alot just like someone took a sharpie and dotted the tips, at first I thought it was lack of water because the soil looked a bit dry. I check them everyday, and water as needed I don't let the soil get to dry and dont over water. (could I be under watering?) I give them about a cup and a half to 2 cups as needed. In the morning after the lights go off I mist the leaves. I am watering with Rain water, dont have a PH meter, and the soil that I used was just a 5 euro 40lb bag that I got from a green house down the street, but I read that the ph soil was 5.5 or 6.5. It didn't seem like MG or anything....

The other plant is doing GREAT, she isn't growing as fast as her sister, but her leaves aren't curling and turning black at the tips. (the curling is just at the tips also)

Any ideas???


Active Member
so isn't this just the abbility to turn every strain in the world into an auto flower
Fair question......BUT no, we are not 'autoflowering' and remember, its only the Ruderallis in the autos genetics that brings that trait. These plants simply respond to light cycles and thats all 'we' are doing :-)

The 'autos' are very different (I have grown a few) and personally I dont like them and I agree that the introduction of the Ruderallis into modern cannabis genetics could bring problems for many years to come.

Thats my thoughts at least.


Active Member
Oh and just to add, I am in week 4/5 I think. I will post pictures tomorrow if needed, please let me know. I also saw a shallow root..WTH!!...but I kinda knew about it, when I repotted them I saw that it had 2 spikes coming out of the sides right above the soil. So when I placed it in it's new bed of fresh soil I covered them up, atleast I thought I did. It wasn't showing showing, but it is close to the top. So a little help fellas for a sweet lady would be SUPER!!!!!



Active Member
Fair question......BUT no, we are not 'autoflowering' and remember, its only the Ruderallis in the autos genetics that brings that trait. These plants simply respond to light cycles and thats all 'we' are doing :-)

The 'autos' are very different (I have grown a few) and personally I dont like them and I agree that the introduction of the Ruderallis into modern cannabis genetics could bring problems for many years to come.

Thats my thoughts at least.
i know that were not "auto-flowering" that it is still photo dependent but what if any is the upside to an auto-flower strain if we can get better bud in the same time


Well-Known Member
Got a little bit of an issue, well not really. My ladies are doing GREAT and BLEW up after I repotted them in a gallon bucket. I potted them together to save on space, anyways...

They are in the same pot, but the one that I feel is doing the best (growing really fast) I noticed yesterday the tips are curled down and today they are black. Not alot just like someone took a sharpie and dotted the tips, at first I thought it was lack of water because the soil looked a bit dry. I check them everyday, and water as needed I don't let the soil get to dry and dont over water. (could I be under watering?) I give them about a cup and a half to 2 cups as needed. In the morning after the lights go off I mist the leaves. I am watering with Rain water, dont have a PH meter, and the soil that I used was just a 5 euro 40lb bag that I got from a green house down the street, but I read that the ph soil was 5.5 or 6.5. It didn't seem like MG or anything....

The other plant is doing GREAT, she isn't growing as fast as her sister, but her leaves aren't curling and turning black at the tips. (the curling is just at the tips also)

Any ideas???
I am not sure about the black part on the leaves but if it looks like an eagles claw on the tips of your leaves it normally means either a pH issue or too much nitrogen. Nitrogen toxicity. If your pH is 5.5 in soil then that is your main issue. pH meters are very impt whether soil or hydro. Maybe others have a better idea than me, but sounds like that is the case, one of the two.


Active Member
I gota plant i started outside but decided to bring it in and put it on a 12/12 with cfl's its been 2 days since ive brought it in and ive seen no growth and the ends of my leaves are curing down... whats the deal????


Active Member
I gota plant i started outside but decided to bring it in and put it on a 12/12 with cfl's its been 2 days since ive brought it in and ive seen no growth and the ends of my leaves are curing down... whats the deal????
more than likely it's stress...i'd give it a couple days and see how it goes