The 12-12 From Seed Thread

cheers del your a super star mate, that's helped me out no end mate, i was thinking along the same lines but wasn't too sure if it would work out but now i've seen it can i'll be following in your foot steps. cheers again mate it's much appreciated i can crack on without the worries and headaches
How long did your seeds take to break soil with 12/12?

i start mine on paper towel in plastc snap lid container, seeds i get from marijuana nl take 2 days roughly to pop then into soil and they are out within about 48 hours, but seeds i got from gh take twice as long, nearly threw away a pot with big bang in because id given up but now its just popped.
i start mine on paper towel in plastc snap lid container, seeds i get from marijuana nl take 2 days roughly to pop then into soil and they are out within about 48 hours, but seeds i got from gh take twice as long, nearly threw away a pot with big bang in because id given up but now its just popped.
I'm running extreme indica from femaleseeds nl and they had 2 cm tap roots when I planted them, I hope they break soil as quick as yours
Nice thread I started my 12/12 yesterday I hope do as half as well as you sir growing vanila kush, the church, and tnt kush all fem seeds
Hey del are you talking about the pineapple kush from that looks mighty tasty

yes mate, theres several i like the look of but i think thats top for the moment, church is on my list , got a very long list, buying seeds can become addictive,feel to post pics of your stuff when you want....good luck with the grow mate... white lsd looks good.
yes mate, theres several i like the look of but i think thats top for the moment, church is on my list , got a very long list, buying seeds can become addictive,feel to post pics of your stuff when you want....good luck with the grow mate... white lsd looks good.

Yes I am peaked in interest ond white lsd...if anyone gives it a grow please let us know about how it is....interested in it for hash oil production

Yes I am peaked in interest ond white lsd...if anyone gives it a grow please let us know about how it is....interested in it for hash oil production


sounds heavy duty, might be a bit much for me these days....has oil nice, made some oil from pollen once with home made 90 ish percent alcohol