The 12-12 From Seed Thread


Well-Known Member
Yeah, i love the quick turn around with growing 12/12.. and the way you can get really up close and personal with them... and i love the massive beast you can get with the waterfarm..thats why i have a tent of each.
how has your set up come along jimbo? you have so much going on its sometimes hard for me to keep up.. hope everything is going well for ya!
Waterfarms one system i aint used as of yet, but really fancy getting one and giving scrog a go once my sog is up and running... by my reckoning i should have a cooltube and cab spare so if thats the case then ill give it a bash. Setup sofar is up and running, well all my cabs are anyway 3 main flower cabs (only two filled atm) two smaller ones which can be used for whatever then theres a small tent im sticking in my loft for my mother plants, its all go Amber in jimmys garden lol, just need to fill all the cabs with girls and we are rocking.... by xmas its gonna be full on. Been sorting out my DIY shallow water culture/nft system for my clone runs, was gonna do them in coco but tbh ive overlooked how much works involved when hand watering so water culture for my clone runs will bring the workload down...everything is going to plan just hope it stays that way. Hows you garden mate, everything running smoothly.


New Member
Had a little trouble on the homefront and had to chop my babies 5 weeks premature. Only got like 5 grams between the two plants :( Got alot of leaf tho and made a little ISO hash from it. Good news is that I had an afgooey seed germinating that I see has just cracked. :) Gonna throw that in 12/12 asap. I'm gonna switch my name when I return tho, so I guess this account is out of the contest del.

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
Hey Jimbo.. your set up sounds wicked! nice work.. 3 main flowering cabs.. sweet!.. growing some of the lemon skunk eh? i love that strain. im enjoying it right now. The lemon skunk that i drowned before harvest is extra potent and has cured so wonderfully.
good luck with your dwc clone set up.. i will really look forward to seeing that. I am learning so much about DWC these days, its a really amazing way to grow. I totally dig how the root systems get all huge and at the end of the grow you get to see the mass spigettii mess.. its mind blowing what the marijuana plant is capable of. Its such a wicked wonderful hardy plant. I recently accidentlycut the taproot off of my waterfarm seedling and it still decided to grow for me! so yeah, things have been kinda wacky for me the last several days. but looking up and really really sweet in the 12/12 tent. I LSt most of my 12/12 ers.. they are doing fabulous. short and bushy . I have been able to keep my light height super low.. read recently that a low placed 600watter is more powerful that a 1000 watter... read it in the JC Bible. so stoked on reading that. OH i started my hesi coco nutes yesterday. Im loving the hesi products.. The TNT is yellow and the COCO is orange.. I also got my Hammerhead. so im looking forward to MaSSIVE Buddage! take it easy jimbo..

Hippy, sorry to hear the news.why do you think your outta the contest.. you need a 12/12 from seed rocks poster set in a creative picture.. it dont think you need to even have any plants in it i dont think.. i thought del said you could pose in a tigers cage with the poster if you wanted. lol...

tick tack toe

Well-Known Member
Here are my little babies so far. I feel there is about 3 weeks to go but ... I am not talking about experience but through a feeling. Let me know what you guys think.

Anyway things are going well. Really looking forward to smoking some. I have not smoked for 5 months. I made a promise never to buy again .... god damn.



Well-Known Member
Hey Jimbo.. your set up sounds wicked! nice work.. 3 main flowering cabs.. sweet!.. growing some of the lemon skunk eh? i love that strain. im enjoying it right now. The lemon skunk that i drowned before harvest is extra potent and has cured so wonderfully.
good luck with your dwc clone set up.. i will really look forward to seeing that. I am learning so much about DWC these days, its a really amazing way to grow. I totally dig how the root systems get all huge and at the end of the grow you get to see the mass spigettii mess.. its mind blowing what the marijuana plant is capable of. Its such a wicked wonderful hardy plant. I recently accidentlycut the taproot off of my waterfarm seedling and it still decided to grow for me! so yeah, things have been kinda wacky for me the last several days. but looking up and really really sweet in the 12/12 tent. I LSt most of my 12/12 ers.. they are doing fabulous. short and bushy . I have been able to keep my light height super low.. read recently that a low placed 600watter is more powerful that a 1000 watter... read it in the JC Bible. so stoked on reading that. OH i started my hesi coco nutes yesterday. Im loving the hesi products.. The TNT is yellow and the COCO is orange.. I also got my Hammerhead. so im looking forward to MaSSIVE Buddage! take it easy jimbo..

Hippy, sorry to hear the news.why do you think your outta the contest.. you need a 12/12 from seed rocks poster set in a creative picture.. it dont think you need to even have any plants in it i dont think.. i thought del said you could pose in a tigers cage with the poster if you wanted. lol...
Yeah ive got some lemon on the go, love the stuff..... which breeder was your's from?. I love all hydro, the growth a yield are great looking forward to dabbling again with nft, been in coco most of this year now.
Cant go wrong with the hesi mate very easy to use and gives great results, would be using it myself but ive gone with plant magic nute line for my coco grows. My 600s close as well thanks to the air cooled hood, prob 6" away, girls are loving it...Ill post pics at the weekend as there starting to bud up nicely now. Let us know how you get on with the hammerhead, been thinking of getting some of this...gonna use some overdrive on this grow so ill let everyone know what i think of this stuff.

On a side note i germed some jack today, so lets see what the germ rate is with these beans, aint used these guys before.


Well-Known Member
Here are my little babies so far. I feel there is about 3 weeks to go but ... I am not talking about experience but through a feeling. Let me know what you guys think.

Anyway things are going well. Really looking forward to smoking some. I have not smoked for 5 months. I made a promise never to buy again .... god damn.
They look fucking sweet tick tack mate, nice one man. I reckon you aint far wrong there... couple of weeks or so and there be ready. 5 months without a smoke, bet your gagging for one mate lol.

tick tack toe

Well-Known Member
They look fucking sweet tick tack mate, nice one man. I reckon you aint far wrong there... couple of weeks or so and there be ready. 5 months without a smoke, bet your gagging for one mate lol.
you are damn right. It has been a long time but it will be worth it. I tell them go grow everyday. soon my little beauties


Well-Known Member



Well-Known Member
you can really 12/12 from seed? what exactly is the difference these plants look awsome are they auto flower or somthing i have never heard of this before