Idk Wat it is actually just thought it was really narlly lookn lol I gotta think about THAT... I am NOT close to harvest. I just hope I don't eat the first flowers that show up... LOL
Seriously, I'm whining a lot about it today, but I'll be fine. It's just been SO long since I've been weedless I'm not sure how to act any more. I don't think I like my job not stoned.
hahahaha^^^^^hysterical^^^^why do i always miss all the good shit? . this thread always cracks methe fuk up!
classic lmao hahahah lolollllme tooo me tooo... i fukin hate my job not stoned.hahahahahahahhaha
hahah...that post is so outrageously funny. if your not a comedian, you shouuld be one.. you always make me laughbig BJ!
delboy are you out there? is anybody out there? lol
whats the dealio with the ph meter and the ec or ppm pen man.. i need your help. my girls are turning yellow on me by their buddage . I got the extra mag going in with their feed.. my ppms are at 960..which i think might be low so gave a boost of a couple drops of superthrive per gallon to crank up the went up to 1100 but i think it needs more.. i dont know what else to do..Im already up at 20mlsper gallon of hesi coco with the 2 ml of hammerhead gallon.. and the extra 2 tbspon per gallon of the magniusium suppliment.
hope all is well in your garden mate, and no buds be a rotten
Awesome Del! I hope to someday have yields like that. I could use about 700g's right now... Bluejeans is dry and bitchy about it... LOL
been there and done that............the old volcano is good that way......just run my green through it once and put it in the freezer to use again when times are short...............and there always comes that time.