The 12-12 From Seed Thread

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
oh my god kevin, i love that smokey seductive photo session you did with the girls. those pix are sooooo fuckin SEXY!! did you use filter of something to get that effect? your turning into quite the photographer.
I made some hash oil with my used vaped herb.. easy reciepe. put herb in a jar, cover with everclear, shake for 40 secs, filter through a 220 micron bag into a glass flat dish, sit until the alchohol evaporates. Have a fabulouso weekend.
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Well-Known Member
oh my god kevin, i love that smokey seductive photo session you did with the girls. those pix are sooooo fuckin SEXY!! did you use filter of something to get that effect? your turning into quite the photographer.
I made some hash oil with my used vaped herb.. easy reciepe. put herb in a jar, cover with everclear, shake for 40 secs, filter through a 220 micron bag into a glass flat dish, sit until the alchohol evaporates. Have a fabulouso weekend.
View attachment 2064739
That's a really good recipe, I might have to try that out!


Well-Known Member
nom nom.. i wish we could get everclear in teh uk :/

oh my god kevin, i love that smokey seductive photo session you did with the girls. those pix are sooooo fuckin SEXY!! did you use filter of something to get that effect? your turning into quite the photographer.
I made some hash oil with my used vaped herb.. easy reciepe. put herb in a jar, cover with everclear, shake for 40 secs, filter through a 220 micron bag into a glass flat dish, sit until the alchohol evaporates. Have a fabulouso weekend.
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Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
what? you cant get everclear ! what kind of opressive society are you living in!?lol.. what a fuckin outrage. illl get you ur everclear silly rabbit. whens your birthday?


Well-Known Member
we can get isopropyl alcohol at 99% but not that stuff.. i think everclear is better right?
i've heard you can buy it at corner stores there haha..

i'm four months away from completing my yearly lifecycle.. metaphorically speaking.. or something..

what? you cant get everclear ! what kind of opressive society are you living in!?lol.. what a fuckin outrage. illl get you ur everclear silly rabbit. whens your birthday?

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
haha, yearly lifecycle..
yeah you can get it at any liquor store in washington state. Cali you can prob buy it in the supermarkets.Every state is different but its readily available. Well 4 months is a long time to wait . Maybe i will send it to you for your easter present so you can lay more better high protien eggs for all the lovely uk easter egg hunts. lol


Well-Known Member
I've topped a few plants removing only the uppermost growth on a number of colas in my grow and will be using them as a comparisson. I topped them 2 days into 12/12 and they are a long flowering sativa strain
I will be able to prove or disprove the idea in about 3 months time. They however are not 12/12 from seed and I will not be topping my 12ers.

I can see how it would work, given that 3 buds will cover more surface area than one. All theory aside, the final weight will be what determines if this technique works or doesn't
you dont have to make any changes during this stage of your grow. I started mine with this experiment as the premise so that i could share my data with all of you :)


Well-Known Member
just started flowering im in Foxfarm soil but i thinking i should switch to coco??
let me start again..........what size pots are those plants in? how long they been in them? were you planning on repotting them into bigger pots? if so what size?