The 12-12 From Seed Thread


Well-Known Member
hey guys finaly found 12/12 from seed land island.....Im trying my first attempt at 12/12 from running hydro (DWC) with 600 watt light system....These poped on June 12th....the short one is budding nicely but the tall one has yet to show sex and just keeps growning....any of you 12/12ers ever experiance this....i will see if i can get some better pics....perhaps its showing sex and im just missing it....I still am somewhat new at this...thanks for the help....View attachment 2283322View attachment 2283323View attachment 2283325

what strain are they ?


Well-Known Member
Just do the math. Measure how wide the container is, then see how many will fit in the tent. I have a 2x3 square area and am about to start harvesting from my 12/12 perpetual grow. I have 8-10 under the light at any given time.


Well-Known Member
anyone doing a recirculating top drip coco grow? If you know where i can see one or have any advice let me know. I have run aero and suffered w/ some power outages lost a bunch of roots in critcal time of flower. I am thinking 1 or 3 gal smart pots w/ bigger chunks of coco and watering once a day on concrete tubs. I talked to a fellow coco grower and he was doing water water feed water water feed. This seems like it would keep the salts flushed out. I pretty much had to check PH everyday w/ the aero system and i am hoping i can get a couple days w/ the coco. oh and all this is going to be 12-12 from seed hence the reason i post on the 12-12 thread.


Active Member
anyone doing a recirculating top drip coco grow? If you know where i can see one or have any advice let me know. I have run aero and suffered w/ some power outages lost a bunch of roots in critcal time of flower. I am thinking 1 or 3 gal smart pots w/ bigger chunks of coco and watering once a day on concrete tubs. I talked to a fellow coco grower and he was doing water water feed water water feed. This seems like it would keep the salts flushed out. I pretty much had to check PH everyday w/ the aero system and i am hoping i can get a couple days w/ the coco. oh and all this is going to be 12-12 from seed hence the reason i post on the 12-12 thread.
use dyna-gro nutes with pro-teKt. I have heard over and over that you almost never have to ph using there nutes. I just bought some and will start a grow with them this week.


Active Member
Question...250w HPS DR60 tent is 2x2x5.25, how many plants will fit in 2gal containers for a 12-12fs grow?
I'm doing 9 plants with minimal veg time under a 250 MH/HPS in 1 gallon containers. If you're going 2 gallon I would say 5 set up like a dice if they're round and 4 or 6 lined up tight if they're square. You don't want the plants to outgrow your light though man. The finished plants need space or the buds will be cramped and your light won't get through to a lot of them.


Well-Known Member
use dyna-gro nutes with pro-teKt. I have heard over and over that you almost never have to ph using there nutes. I just bought some and will start a grow with them this week.
have you seen any coco grows done w/ them? i ran the bloom in my aero system and felt like it was lacking in N but i have little experience.
are you going to run gro,bloom, and the teKt?


Well-Known Member
Anyone try a Sour Jack at 12/12 yet? Attitude sent me this freebie along with others, but the sour jack wasn't on the list of freebies. LOL, but I'll take it.

I also screwed up and ordered a Querkle non fem'ed seed. I wanted female damnit

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
Anyone try a Sour Jack at 12/12 yet? Attitude sent me this freebie along with others, but the sour jack wasn't on the list of freebies. LOL, but I'll take it.

I also screwed up and ordered a Querkle non fem'ed seed. I wanted female damnit
TGA is only regular seeds. i have 2 seeds that are TGA and if they happen to be male than i will use their pollen and collect the seeds for future grows


Well-Known Member
LOL, I should've known that, and I'm sure I did when I ordered it. But when it arrived I wass like "Booooooo"..Hahaha
Wish me luck, I'll be giving"it" a run in the next week or so. I start 2 seeds (usually females lol) every 2 weeks.


Active Member
have you seen any coco grows done w/ them? i ran the bloom in my aero system and felt like it was lacking in N but i have little experience.
are you going to run gro,bloom, and the teKt?
I am planning on running some plants in coco next grow next to some in perlite vermiculite mix. The bloom is very low in nitrogen, I think the grow is a better choice through flowering using the bloom as an extra feed from time to time. the grow is 7-9-5. I have foliage pro 9-3-6, grow, bloom, and pro-tekt. I will use foliage pro with grow for veg and switch to grow in flower with occasional bloom feedings. pro-tekt will get used the whole way through. The reason I will supplement the foliage pro with grow in veg is that foliage pro is missing a couple micros that are in the grow and in the bloom.

Serial Violator

Well-Known Member
TGA is only regular seeds. i have 2 seeds that are TGA and if they happen to be male than i will use their pollen and collect the seeds for future grows
Ive done Dairy Queen and Chernobyl from tag 12-12fs, each time planted 2 beans and got one male and one female both times. They are not massive yielders but the smoke is some of the tastiest ive grown, well the dairy queen was the chernobyl has just been jarred but is the frostiest but ive grown yet. Just planted 2 qleaner and 2 querkle seeds for my next batch so hopefully i'll continue with the same luck. All the ones ive done so far have been freebies and the biggest seeds ive seen so far.

Serial Violator

Well-Known Member
Sage came down the other day look fucked but smells lovely and has the most pistils ive ever seen on bud. Won't run sage again 12-12 its too tall and takes too long, but i reckon a big yeilder if done with regular lighting schedule and a bit veg time. So only 1 sage left from the last grow, planted the new batch a few days ago a couple of weeks late but never mind. Ive done 12 to start expecting a couple of males from the tga and a couple of runts so will be left with 8-9( the magic number)
Usually plant straight in to the final pot but thought i'd stick then in some 18oz party cups for the first 2-3 weeks then in to the final 6l air pots. All are looking good in their first week


Well-Known Member
Ok i wanted to do Canna coco and hesi nutes but i guess del is across the pond. It will be expensive to get those items to my door and my shop here says they cant get them at a reasonable price either. What american brands of nutes/coco would others suggest that are reasonable? I got some botanicare COCO but it looks pretty fine so i cut it about 1/3 w/ perlite for the seedling stage. When i looked at the HG nutes man they are proud of them. Dyna Gro line seems to be what i am looking at now for nutes but any other opinions on good coco?


Well-Known Member
Ok i wanted to do Canna coco and hesi nutes but i guess del is across the pond. It will be expensive to get those items to my door and my shop here says they cant get them at a reasonable price either. What american brands of nutes/coco would others suggest that are reasonable? I got some botanicare COCO but it looks pretty fine so i cut it about 1/3 w/ perlite for the seedling stage. When i looked at the HG nutes man they are proud of them. Dyna Gro line seems to be what i am looking at now for nutes but any other opinions on good coco?
Botanicare has their aeration formula 1.5 cu ft coco/perlite mix with a dash of leonardite and worm castings, its NPK is 0.01 - 0.01 - 0.01 so using nutes (botanicare nutes if you got em) right away is essential.


Active Member
Hey everyone, I am currently running a CH9 Green Bud and a CH9 Blue Lemon Thai 12/12 from seed @ day 19 today; the BLT is somewhat taller than the GB, which is not surprising considering the BLT is a cross with Lemon Thai which is mostly sativa and a indica/sativa Toxic Blue; the GB is shorter and bushier though. My setup is a dual site home made DWC/Drip system, I used the drip rings from 2 waterfarms I wasn't using to have a constant drip of nutrient. There is a single Micro-pore Boss Hog (air-stone) attached to a 110Literpm air pump which also supplies air to the 2 drip rings; it's the same mechanism as a waterfarm but double basically and in a 10 gallon plastic tote. BTW the micro-pore boss hog is insane, the water is basically filled with bubbles everywhere, even with the tote full to the rim, the boss hog fills every corner of the tote with tiny tiny bubbles.

In any case; today they showed sex (@ 4th and 5th nodes), both of them female thank god, the BLT I can see that showed sex maybe half a day before the GB. I will be start transitioning into bloom nutrients sometime this week and next week I'll make more of the transition. I measured the BLT today and she was almost 7 inches with 5 developed nodes; the GB is an 1 1/4 inches shorter with the same amount of nodes. This is my first time going 12/12 from seed so I was wondering considering their size at day 19 how much taller can I expect them to grow. Obviously the BLT will grow taller, probably make more a stretch during the transition phase so I just wanted to have more of an insight into this method to have a better idea what to expect, maybe I could LST the BLT a bit to make the canopy of both plants more even?? Wouldn't know if it would be detrimental now that she has showed sex and soon will start to flower...

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for reading guys.