The 12-12 From Seed Thread


Well-Known Member
If I were in a place where I felt comfortable legally I would have no problem doing do. But, a few people on this site see and smoke my work

Mister Black

Active Member
Any chance some people could critique my plan please?

2nd Grow plan....

Soil mostly coco with chips lining the base, perlite mixed in with coir and chips and maybe 10% super peat.

Soil looks pretty good.

FERTS - Have a gadget called the 'fertometer' going to see how it works. Right now it shows one plant as fine and the other as needing ferts. This surprises me as there is only a seedling in there right now. Initially I'm going to use 25/5/5 at a very very weak strength in water then once they get older I'll just use the KISS routine with perhaps some more coco specific nutes from time to time.

ENVIRO - Tent, CFL's about 10k lumens per plant eventually. Less while they are small. About 50/50 2700k and 6500k right now but eventually mostly 2700k. CFL sizes range from 65w to 23w (real wattage). Have intake sucking cool air in and outake blowing the hot air out of the roof of the tent. Temp can be maintained at around 80-90 degrees.

Will leave plants alone pretty much except for perhaps lollipoping one of them to see how it turns out.


Well-Known Member
What are other people doing for nutes and medium and pot size and lights and stuff? I'm using CFLs and no feeding with soil normal pots. Has food in it already. Only get average half oz a plant if that. I see people getting 2oz + per plant.


Active Member
What are other people doing for nutes and medium and pot size and lights and stuff? I'm using CFLs and no feeding with soil normal pots. Has food in it already. Only get average half oz a plant if that. I see people getting 2oz + per plant.
Size and density of your harvest is directly related to the pot size, light used and genetics of the strain your growing. The genetics determine the ceiling of your harvest and the light, medium and nutrients determine how close you get to that ceiling. Using CFL's you will never harvest the same as a HID light grow and the same can be said with natural sunlight and HID lights. The size of your pot will determine the size your plant can achieve, if the roots are enclosed and restricted it can limit the over all size of your plant. Proper nutrient levels are also important as well as pH levels to assure the availability of all the essential nutrients. While flowering, Marijuana plants need a high dose of P and K so if you don't add them the harvest will diminish and your buds will come out fluffy and airy. It's a combination of factors that can influence why your only getting what you get friend.

I'm running a 15 gal dual site DWC/drip system, general hydroponics nutrients, Boss-hog micro pore air stone, 110lpm air pump and cool tube 400W SHPS; I'm looking at 4-5 ounces from the two, plants are 24" tall.


I ran a 3gallon black bucket dwc 18watt air pump split ro 2 buckets. 1 4x2" sunleaves airstone, 400 watt hps, air cooled and carbon filtered hood. All 4" exhaust with active intake coming from ac register. Ghflora nutes strain G13 sour candy, harvested at 9 weeks flowered i got 124g of dried buds, that is after all stem and leaf was trimmed. I expect to get equal or greater from her sister... I know... No pics or it didnt happen... But u know what... I got stoned and forgot to take any of her... Her sister is a beast that got freakishly big.. I will take pics of that if i remember my camera


Well-Known Member
Pics or it didn't happen.
TROLL!!!!! why not pop over to the 250w thread for a second or 2. a fella there just got 5 and a bit zips off of one plant vegged for 4 weeks, flowered under a 250w. do some research before you call bullshit. just because your shit at growing bud dont mean everyone is......


Well-Known Member
That's only about 0.6 gpw... most people aim for 1 .. not many get it though.. although some get 2..
check out heaths vert

the statement pics or it didn't happen was most likely just meant as we would like to see some pics.. don't think he was calling him a liar.. but could be wrong.

TROLL!!!!! why not pop over to the 250w thread for a second or 2. a fella there just got 5 and a bit zips off of one plant vegged for 4 weeks, flowered under a 250w. do some research before you call bullshit. just because your shit at growing bud dont mean everyone is......


Well-Known Member
anyone wanna check out my 12/2 grow? it will be perpetual. 2 plants every 30 days (i think). took a while to set this up. right now im growing grapefruit and blue cheese. day 25. click the sig !

50/50 COCO AND PERLITE , ALL CANNA COCO NUTES id love for anyone to come by and leaves some words :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
[FONT=Tahoma, Calibri, Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif]When do most people go from solo cups to 1gal containers? And then into 3gal[/FONT]


Well-Known Member
What's the worst that could happen if I started 12/12 early,I'm 2 weeks and 3 nodes after the cotyledon leaves.I have no experience w/autos or growing 12/12.Iwould appreciate some input since I'm in a hurry because of the holidays an such,besides I'll need some Christmas Bud:)thx for any help.