The 12-12 From Seed Thread


Well-Known Member
I don't know the reason why it works. I got it from SS1 and it worked so good I just keep doing it,mainly because it's so quick, over night lots of time does need to be dark & warm.Peace


Active Member
Hey Dwez, depends on a few things, have had strains show sex as early as 18 days and as late as 40.
Personal average would be around 30 days.

many many ways to germ i have germed in water
in paper towels till crack then to cup
in cd case till seedlings standing on edge so tap goes straight down
in dirt from the beginning

i always use a heat pad and controller
with a ziplock for humidity

but i have a question for th 12/12 from seed gang
how long does it tak at 12/12 from seed to see pre show
how long for plant to think it is supposed to flower
a month would be my guess but i never tried it

I an I
i dont think we are saying its better...............but if you dont have room for trees...............if you want things kept simple.............if you want to save the planet and use less electric.........if you still want good quality and quantity ...........if you want to go perpetual..........if you want to use reg seeds and find the sex asap ...then 12-12 from seed fits the bill.
Precisely! I only grow for personal use (and social sharing) and I don't like to run out. One can have more variety and avoid wasting a lot of time on something that turns out just to be "O.K." 12/12 till the cows come home! Peace...bongwater


Well-Known Member
yes im not native american but i also was on my phone so it gets hard to write, can u speak 4 languages? if not then STFU
Actually, I can speak 3 languages fluently and I can communicate reasonably well with another 4 languages. Can you speak 7 languages to a reasonable level, including English? If not, then please, pipe down and keep your hair on. I even stated I didn't mean to offend, I was genuinely curious. You could have said "sorry my phone is bad for typing" and that would have suffice. It's not like I called you a spastic or anything offensive.

But alas, you're behind a monitor and keyboard, therefore you assume yourself to be some kind of Piety who is untouchable. It's such a keyboard warrior approach and it's rather boring.


Well-Known Member
Just a quick update, no pics unfortunately, but I chopped my Lemon Kush about 9 days ago, unfortunately I dried it out too quick and it tastes like absolute shit but fucking wow is it strong!

When you smoke a joint at 11PM and the next thing you know, you're waking up at 7AM on your smoking room floor with dribble down your chin, you know for a fact that it's dank shit!


Well-Known Member
hsf, Man that is great 7 languages, I still grunt and point. What a way to expand your mind.With my communication problems I find that amazing. Congrats. Peace


Active Member
So Iv`e transplanted the Critical Hog into another pot but I ran out of medium so its around a litre short of the 6 litre pot its now in, Iv`e also decided air pots are way to fucking messy for me, the water pisses out the sides no matter how slow you water, I`ll use them for outside if I decide to throw a couple out this year or whatever. I`m not saying their shit, so many grows prove their not but for me to pull my girls out the loft and water them in the bath is a mission and not the best with 3 kids around, plus over the years I`ve lost 2 dropping them !!!!​

This seasons chilies have started to pop up so they`ll be put into their own pots when the times right.

The GDP Candyland is doing well and dare I say it if it turns out to be male I`m going to keep it, I`ll put outside and collect the pollen for a little seed production but only if it turns out with the vigour and node spacing I need for my grow area. But its going to be a nice female so we`ll see about that :rolleyes:

Moving onto the Orange Bud she`s taken really well to the transplant and has started a growth spurt.

The Gigabud is also starting to stretch up a little and open up a bit, I`ll be doing a little LST as normal when the times right, she`s also starting to stink so its good to know my CFs doing its job.

The CH9 Blue Lemon Thai will probably die, I had to remove its husk and it`s ended up having little or no cotyledon, but its still growing and its 1st leaf sets visable just really small.

Still no sign of the GDP Phantom Cookies yet, I did have a prod around to see whats going on and saw it with a split husk, so hopefully in the next few days it`ll show its face unless its a dud.



Active Member
So Iv`e transplanted the Critical Hog into another pot but I ran out of medium so its around a litre short of the 6 litre pot its now in, Iv`e also decided air pots are way to fucking messy for me, the water pisses out the sides no matter how slow you water, I`ll use them for outside if I decide to throw a couple out this year or whatever. I`m not saying their shit, so many grows prove their not but for me to pull my girls out the loft and water them in the bath is a mission and not the best with 3 kids around, plus over the years I`ve lost 2 dropping them !!!!​

This seasons chilies have started to pop up so they`ll be put into their own pots when the times right.

The GDP Candyland is doing well and dare I say it if it turns out to be male I`m going to keep it, I`ll put outside and collect the pollen for a little seed production but only if it turns out with the vigour and node spacing I need for my grow area. But its going to be a nice female so we`ll see about that :rolleyes:

Moving onto the Orange Bud she`s taken really well to the transplant and has started a growth spurt.

The Gigabud is also starting to stretch up a little and open up a bit, I`ll be doing a little LST as normal when the times right, she`s also starting to stink so its good to know my CFs doing its job.

The CH9 Blue Lemon Thai will probably die, I had to remove its husk and it`s ended up having little or no cotyledon, but its still growing and its 1st leaf sets visable just really small.

Still no sign of the GDP Phantom Cookies yet, I did have a prod around to see whats going on and saw it with a split husk, so hopefully in the next few days it`ll show its face unless its a dud.

Awesome led grow man how do you post your pics so big?


Active Member
Awesome led grow man how do you post your pics so big?
Thanks mate, I host them on photobucket and use the IMG links to put them directly into threads, if ya going to do it set the account to Private and set it up on an anonymous email account so its not linked, I also remove geo-tagging/location services from my photos and cloak my IP when uploading or grabbing the IMGs, you can never be too stealthy lol


Well-Known Member
I started transplants last night, 18 days from breaking ground. 6 females, and I think 6 males too, I let the dudes go a bit just for extra certainty. Peacocks, skunky monkey and young pussy :)


Well-Known Member
hsf, Man that is great 7 languages, I still grunt and point. What a way to expand your mind.With my communication problems I find that amazing. Congrats. Peace
I actually can't speak 7 languages, it's just he made me irate, so I pulled the "internet bullshit attack" technique and it seemed to work. He probably did the same thing, just poorly educated is my guess.

I'm the same as you in terms of being on foreign soil, pointing and grunting lol, although I do know the odd phrase and used to be able to communicate well in French.


Well-Known Member
Here's my Lemon Kush which is more sativa and also had 5 tops :| It now only has 4 because the 5th was pathetic and dribbling so I cut it off.

She's a whopping 46 inches tall(my biggest yet). Anyone care to predict a final weight? I'm hoping for between 1.5 oz and 2 oz. Anyone think I'll make that?

Secondly, I've noticed that since I changed from the soil to coco the growth has been a lot faster. Those 3 small plants are in coco and they're 12-16 days old, but the Lemon Kush has taken so damn long, it's at 4 months old now so I'm guessing the soil I was using could have had an effect on growth rate? She also didn't start flowering officially until around week 7 or 8.