blue cord is tied around plant to stop branches bending and hitting the confident that you will do well with your growing style..........getting a pretty big collection of avatars now..
Del, what kind of 600 do you use? air cooled hood? Those are so wonderful!
cheers mate.....the 400 has a euro and the 600 has a diamond reflector .
If you are going to transfer them from cfl to hps then this will be a big shock to the plants. Start the first day high, maybe 27" and move it down each day about 3" till you are at 18. I have learned that its not the distance from the hood, but its the distance from the light bulb itself. I have a raptor hood and a 600hps and my monster SLH is about 8" from the hood but since the hood is so big its actually about 18" from the light bulb since it is on the outer part of the hood. I just need to stop over nueting them!
Does the diamond come with a lens delman?
Got it installed and its Awesome!! I'm following your advice "What What" (love the name, Despicable Me, right?)and thanks for the input, it gave me a starting point. I've got it at 23'' and the plants seem to be lovin it. Chex it out, isnit it lovely
Day 35 from seed 12/12.
Day 35 from seed 12/12.
damn howlong do you flower 12/12 from seed?
day 35 from seed no no no cant be surely..del whats your take on that would they be like that day 35 from seed..thats fast looks at least day 55-60 prob more