The 1st Grow & Organic


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Honestly... after thinking about it. I decided to construct my G13 her own little 360 reflecting box (nothing fancy, just functionable). I want to give her, her own area, where I dont have to disrupt the others. I bought another 100watt equivalent 6500k light just for this area.

You can see in the 1st picture, "some" of the "Mites" areas where they started eating on my baby. I left the bomb in there all day, did not air it out. Just to make sure it was all taken care of. In 2 weeks Im going to bomb it again, just in case I didnt get them all. Its never 100%

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Active Member
the g13 had to have some leaves removed. they were to badly injured from the mites.

On a side note, I got the HPS out an cleaned up. Come the 3rd week, I will be turning it on for 2 full weeka in the vegging stage to kick up some more growth for them all. So for 2 weeks the HPS will be used for vegging, along with the CFL's. Then, it will be 8 full weeks of HPS 12/12

I'm praying I atleast see 1.5lbs when all said an done with the 5 plants.

Once I start flowering on this batch with the HPS. I will be going into my other closet, an starting a new vegging batch right away. I will be picking up a MH setup as well for the next batch.


Active Member
Edit: Screw it.... the G13 is looking like its on its last limb. I decided to throw the HPS an 6500 CFL on it. with a 12" fan blowing to control heat.

Going to run a little test on it. See how she is in the morning.


Active Member
Day 14

All 4 were transplanted tonight. Took the G13 out an put her back in the grow closet. She looks alot better, 12 hours under the HPS she looked better, once it hit 24hrs, she wasnt liking it.

My biggest didnt like the transplanting, so she is being supported on a couple of leafs, the others are standing up better than before.

G13 is holding on!!!! Havent given up on her yet.

The 2 newer additions are doing amazing. sprouting alot faster than the G13, an BB

They are now in 3 gallon buckets. And dont even say anything about them... cant go wrong for 1$ a piece!!!!

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Day 16

Dont understand,

the plants are doing a droopy effect. They are all healthy an beautifully green. I know when transplanting some roots were damaged...
Can this possibly be shock?

The 1st one is the G13, I was able to save her, but some of the leaves took a toll. (the leaves in the pot were junk leaves from the plant... shredded them an left them in the pot... organic if you will) ALSO the yellow tint, is just from the light!!!!

The 2nd one is the Big Bang. Dont mind the burn spot on it. some splashed when watering. But its doing the same thing... Its not over watered at all, PH is in check.

The 3rd and 4th are Big Bangs as well, My dutch died, so I started 2 new ones. They are a week old. Same treatments as the other 2... and they are doing amazing.
#4 is under a HPS for its hole growth. Wanted to see what the difference was between 6500k, an HPS its hole life



Active Member
WOOOOO! 2 hours later roughly, I blasted them with nitrogen & iron increasing items. Leaves are now lifting up!!!

Will take a photo for Day 17, give it a full day to straighten out more


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Day 14 of flowering

Since the reupdate of the site... Alot of my info was vanished... obviously

But here are some updates:

I found out why my newest addition was sick. It had a MAD infestation of mites. I was only able to see it within the immediate start of light up. It looked like the inside of the bucket was moving. NO JOKE! No other plant was harmed. Just the newest. I ran to the store as fast as I could an bought pesticides. As much as it hurt me to not keep it organic cause of this... It was needed. I never seen or expected this plant to be that infested... BUT I sprayed down every plant & soil. There will be no other pest problems again. Im making sure of that.

New heights

Tallest :24"
New addition:8"(2nd day of flowering)

My plant in the vegging room is doing amazing as well. I seen some spots on it, with recent issues... I sprayed it as well. Never can be too cautious

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Well-Known Member
Good job on getting rid of the pests! I hear ya on the vanishing data, I actually started a journal yesterday and it is gone!!!


Active Member
Good job on getting rid of the pests! I hear ya on the vanishing data, I actually started a journal yesterday and it is gone!!!
I sprayed the plants down good. Im actually impressed none of them got burnt or dry spots... Not one spot!!!! I may have gone a little over kill with the "Pest Killer" But I'd rather do it the right way 1x, then a second.

Im happy with the progress they're making. I just started 4 clones. Since they were struggling to get some light. So lets see how those turn out. The minature addition is actually looking good now after being sprayed. It jumped 1" in height. An is looking healthier. 6 More weeks!!!!!


Active Member
Day 16 of Flowering

The plants have started to explode!!!!

Tallest plant 28"
Medium plant: 24"
My personal Small: 8" still

My plant in the vegging room is 12" tall now. Probably going to give her 2 more weeks. If it has its way like the others... it will double an go for a triple. Gotta plan it properly. Also, threw in a new addition after germinating.

Out of the 4 clones, 2 of them made roots, and are starting to hop back into action!!!

They look amazing, hair everywhere, buds forming beautifully. No more bugs at all. WOOT!



Active Member
Day 17 of Flowering

There are buds growing everywhere now. They are both sitting at 28". The smallest one is sitting at 9" an is starting to form a cola.

The 2 clones are holding on, starting to move towards the light.

The vegging room plant is beefing up. Stayed the same height. Cant wait to get that one in the vegging room. That will be my successful plant!!! The newest seedling just made its way out of the soil... Now just waiting for that one to finally hatch an start its journey


Active Member
Thinking about my next grow, after the vegging room opens up... Thinking I might go with Cream Caramel, along with some 60 Day Wonder, and Raspberry Cough. I want a nice mix for the next batch, and some weight. Thinking of possibly sexing some of them. Could get interesting.


Active Member
Day 18 of Flowering

They are looking gorgeous... thats all that needs to be said... beautiful white buds forming. I hope they all stay white. I have seen VERY FEW Big Bangs actually keep there white tones. :) hoping I have that one!!!!

The 2 flowering girls are doing amazing. No issues there.
The 3rd tiny girl (my personal) is still holding on strong!!!

1 of the fan leaves fell off... She was a biggum.

The vegging plant is almost ready for flowering room :)

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Active Member
well... said fuck it, rearranged the original flower room 2 run both lamps... so now we have 800watts of a combined MH/HPS setup. Ive seen alot of people talking about how there plants loved the 2 together... So I decided to do it.

I had to flush the 2 clones. They decided to be assholes an hermie on me... (think I strained them too hard)

Lets see what kind of progress this brings me


Active Member
Day 22 of 12/12

The girls are looking amazing. Hairs up the wazoo! There are more budding sites than I ever anticipated. Definitely going to be a nice yield with these girls. I had to do some massive trimming. The fan leafs are gone. I didnt want too... But it had to be done.

I have fears my smaller plant is a hermie. Im just praying its the budding area forming. Looks like a ball... but has 2 hairs out of it. PRAYING it doesnt start hanging like my last one.

The newest plant I took alot of care with... showed a lump... hoping to god its not balls already. If so.... -sigh- I have 1 left in the veg room

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Active Member
WELL... was looking to be a good day... Until it happened again LOL! SOME UNGODLY REASON.... a piece off my blinds broke off... flew into my fan... an hit one of the branches... severing it. HOW YOU ASK... I dont even know. SO... this branch is "I hope" strong enough to make into a clone. I seriously have some of the shittiest and most ridiculous luck.

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