The 1ST Mistake: Many Growers Made!


Active Member
That is obtaining elite genectics in others words.. ORDER YOUR SEEDS ONLINE THROUGH A LAGIT SOURCE! The Attitude Seebank is the worlds largest seed distributor by far. A few safety tips to ease your mind about this: NEVER SHIP SEEDS TO GARDEN ADDRESS!! Shipping seeds to a trusted friend will do nice. Ya can't get in trouble recieving a package. Seeds aren't illegal but germinating them are in many countries. No country owns the internet either. Next, PAY WITH A MONEY ORDER OR DEBIT CARD. The money order would be the way to go to make you feel safer and its understandable why. The cool thing is The Attitude Seedbank has a 265k secure site so NO INTRUDORS ALLOWED. On your recent banking records you will find Attitude Gifts not anything like pot seeds or any sort of red flags like that. Enter the voucher code to save money on every order: 420 How bout some reasons why I should pay the extra money for seeds: 1 You get to genetics straight form the plants of the guys who grow in cannibus cups all over the world. 2 You get to choose what kinda strains you wanna work with which also means you have knowledge of the yielding potentials, pontentcy, size, finishing time, photoperiod or autoflowering, feminzed or regular seeds ect. 3 The seedbanks provide alot of needed information that will benifit you greatly in your garden. 4 Put some REAL quality in your garden and drop the bagseed! It all starts from the seed!! Happy grows! One love! :peace: