the 2009 wave of hippies and psychedelics


Well-Known Member
I say its time for change. the hippies definetely had it right back then, we need to all BE HERE NOW! and not worry about where were going to end up after this life. WE DON'T KNOW and we won't know for a very long time if ever.

Most of us have been raised from day one to believe in religion, just as you were raised to believe in santa claus and the easter bunny. The only difference is no one ever stopped and told you that "heaven" and "hell" were fairy tails just like the north pole. Think about it, heaven is "above" us? what is UP and what is DOWN? us as humans call "north" up but there isn't really a north, the universe is so big beyond human comprehension, so every single direction could be up or down, we have NO IDEA.

I can't believe we live in a world where you have to PAY to live. every single human NEEDS food to nutrition their bodies and there isn't anything we can do about it, its a necessity, yet if you don't have money you can't get food to LIVE!!!

What does LIFE mean to you? what is the meaning? is it being a government slave and making someone else rich? Is it waking up every day doing the same thing, thinking the same, dressing the same trying to be cool as everyone else then go to bed and it starts all over?

I'm 19 and its our generation of young adults and teens who could make a difference, I ask everyone here what they know about problems in our world? Are you a brainwashed machine for the government who watches the news and listens to your teachers? or can you actually THINK FOR YOURSELF?

We need to make a stand, its the government that should fear the people, not the people fear the government!

I can't believe weed is illegal in this country, I mean this shit has gone on far to long and the people seriously COULD change things if we really wanted to.

Does it make sense that ALCOHOL is LEGAL and Marijuana isn't!?!? You actually don't think that Pharmacy companies don't pay the gov. to keep weed illegal? think about it, if weed was legal over the country pain killers anti-dperessants sales would drop more then in half, it would put so many companies out of business.

This thread is for people who can think for themselves, aren't brainwashed and who are actually interested in hearing about problems that are going on and what YOU can do to make a difference. Were being lied to ever single day of our lives about so much stuff and you just have to open your eyes and see it.

Imagine if every pot head just said FUCK THE GOVERMENT AND FUCK THE COPS and start smoking anywhere and everywhere we wanted? would they arrest all of us? Were not free, this country is being run by insane people with insane objectives!!!!

Stop watching the news and reading the newspaper, its a controlled form of media by the higher power to keep all of you thinking the same and being apart of there system!

My music teaches to fight against the system that teaches to LIVE and DIE - Bob Marley

Those who control the media control the mind- Jim Morrison

When the power of LOVE overcomes the LOVE of power the world will know peace- Jimi hendrix.

If anyone is interested in talking about any kind of topics, or have any questions or if you think I'm crazy then lets talk..


Active Member
I understand everything you just stated, every morning i wake up the exact same thoughts you wrote comes to my head, and i thought i was the only one, even if i try to make people understand, they respond to me like idiots, which makes me really disappointed on my youth...if only somehow people like you and me can unite and create a perfect society in some place where the us government has no power...but i doubt that will ever happen.


Well-Known Member
Come on man, do you think your the only one to figure this out?

There are alot of problems in this world and there will always be problems in the world. The vast majority dont care about the plight of the pothead and acidhead and never will.

I am all for civil disobedience, if you get every pot smoker to smoke pot anywhere and everywhere, I do believe they will arrest everyone, dont forget powers at be fear mass outbreaks of civil disobedience and will try to hold on to power as long as they can. We have to be realistic some of the problems you raise are dont have practical solutions, and some of the solutions you propose will arguably help the cause. I believe to we have to work within the system to have credibility and not make this pot smoking community look like enemies of the state.

"I can't believe we live in a world where you have to PAY to live. every single human NEEDS food to nutrition their bodies and there isn't anything we can do about it, its a necessity, yet if you don't have money you can't get food to LIVE!!!"

Welcome to adulthood, parents dont provide your food anymore and you have to work within the system to obtain your physical needs. There arent just lands for free roaming humans to graze and drink, at least where I live. Here is my point, there some things we HAVE to learn to live with, we cant change the world only our small corner of it. If you want free food join a commune or something similar but you still have to work for food so it kind of cancels out to me.

Just do what makes you happy and fuck the rest.

I have hopes for the legalization or at least decriminalization of cannabis in my lifetime but not acid or mushrooms. Lots of people know the failure of the war on drugs and the ones who dont watch too much cable news.

Please explain how you plan to "fight the agianist the system" and what that will accomplish? Is it practical or a pipe dream?

Happy trails


Well-Known Member
Imagine if every pot head just said FUCK THE GOVERMENT AND FUCK THE COPS and start smoking anywhere and everywhere we wanted? would they arrest all of us?

As much as I would like for this to happen, it just simply won't. People won't risk going to jail if they can just smoke in their house in front of their t.v. or computer.

Just about all of which you said makes sense, and I believe the same in a bunch of it. Sadly, the world is how it is. The government has control because it always has. If changing shit was this easy someone would of done so already...

Smiley D

Well-Known Member
The bums lost. My advice is to do what your parents did; get a job, sir. The bums will always lose.

Anyways, the hippies got lazy. We will never see another summer of love, because they fucked it up for us.


Well-Known Member
oh what i would give to be part of some underground organization... like the weather underground. im willing to give up anything and everything to be part of something bigger than me that i believe in. the only problem is i feel so alone on this. i feel like no one is willing to give anything up. i want to be part of a revolution... i want to change things! i cant do it alone... if i only knew a way to get things going


Well-Known Member
so this world away from world yall wanna go to is happenin in florida on 420. its not realy a life away from real life but it is for a weekend. its a thing called florida preheat. you can check it out at its where a ton of people are out in a field camping all weekend. no one enters or leaves except for emergencys for the weekend so you bring all your food and drink and fun stuff with you for the weekend. they dont even allow you to wear clothes with name brands on it. sounds like fun you show up fri. unpack all your camping gear and whatnot then take your vehicle to the parking lot they have and leave it there untill its time to go on monday. i cant wait for this. havnt been to one before but my friends went last year and said it was amazing. people walk around high as can be all weekend in great company. other people come and set up shop there and give out all kinds of free stuff. they got food shirts games and just random things to give away because your not allowed to sell it, just allowed to give presents. the complete thing relys on the campers participation in the little comunity.


New Member
Do you appreciate all that society has allowed you to have? Think of all the things that wouldn't be possible if it wasn't for the way it works. just another perspective.....


Well-Known Member
all we have? call me lazy but i dont think we should have to pay for the NESSESITIES of life. lets see... we work/go to school about 9 hours a day (including your half hour lunch and driving...) supposed to sleep for 8 hours thats 17 hours right there. so with just work and sleep we only have 7 hours left in hour day to cook and eat our other 2 meals, do any work we still have left and homework. we dont have time to just sit back and appreciate life anymore. i was outside and heard birds flying over my head and i though hmmm what a strange sound... BIRDS FLYING i thought was a weird sound cuz i never hear it.


New Member
money is like an extension of work, people don't automatically deserve food unless they have worked for it, just like someone in the jungle won't eat unless he has hunted or gathered something. But it does suck if you have a shit job i guess


Well-Known Member
yeah lol its sad when youd rather be in the jungle bitten by misquitos than drag your ass to your 9-5 and think about shooting everyone and everything in that mother fucking place cuz everytime you clock in a little piece of you dies inside...


Active Member
A majority of the TRUE Hippies never used psychedelic drugs... They went to college and protested for what they believed in and were the true counter culture of America.. Todays America nothing but conformity and conservative beliefs.. The people who are actually aware of whats going around them and want to make a change are muffled by conformists.

I'm in high school right now and i see it every day.. Kids have no idea what the government is about, all they care about is mtv and their own pathetic lives. Our government has everyone where they need them to manipulate and control the world.. Half the stuff we are told is just fabricated to keep us preoccupied.

Point i'm trying to make here is.. We give to much power to the government, they control our lives and most people don't even realize it. Its gunna take something huge before a revolution happens in America, something that can really open the eyes of all the sheep in this country being led to slaughter.


Well-Known Member
Ok, Half of america smokes pot! You actually think that they can ARREST EVERYONE!! are you guys crazy!?!? we as people and stoners out number the higher power by 100!!!!! they could never arrest us all! if everyone actually did their part and wasn't scared of the big bad police and the big bad white house full of old ignorant fucks who turned humanity into machines. There is a solution to everything..i'm not saying that its a simple solution but there is a solution.. the youth has to be educated and informed by another media that isn't corrupted or a tool by the government. THE YOUTH NEEDS THE TRUTH!!!!!! Don't you guys ever really question life? ask yourself right now what does LIFE mean to you? is it waking up everyday and having 6 different teachers cramming 6 different subjects in your head for 6 hours and then going home and having your parents tell you what to think what to do and how to do it? if so fine, your a sheep being led to be slaughtered just like previously stated.

The day has come to change this shit, ask yourself how the fuck can alcohol be legal but not marijuana!?!? there is so much research being done and they are proving everything they said it was wrong.

Were being told how to live and being pushed around. the best way I could possibly think to change things is again to inform everyone since a majority of these young people on here obviously don't care about researching it themselves.


Active Member
^ yes they could.
There is a reason why its illegal. It makes you think

We are on the verge of a free way of life again! If you cant feel it on the horizon your crazy its coming


Well-Known Member
I can't believe we live in a world where you have to PAY to live. every single human NEEDS food to nutrition their bodies and there isn't anything we can do about it, its a necessity, yet if you don't have money you can't get food to LIVE!!!
well duh. lol. Someone has to grow the food, someone has to make the fertilizer, someone has to ship the fertilizer, someone has to pcik the food...etc you see now why people have to pay to live. People arent just going to work for others out of the goodness of their heart. I mean what do you expect, a world where you can just sit on your ass and everything is just handed to you, someone has to do the heavy lifting, and they arent going to do it w.o something in return.