the 2009 wave of hippies and psychedelics


Well-Known Member
well duh. lol. Someone has to grow the food, someone has to make the fertilizer, someone has to ship the fertilizer, someone has to pcik the food...etc you see now why people have to pay to live. People arent just going to work for others out of the goodness of their heart. I mean what do you expect, a world where you can just sit on your ass and everything is just handed to you, someone has to do the heavy lifting, and they arent going to do it w.o something in return.
LOL man
we are getting oranges shiped from africa when we can grow them in our back garden! you cant see that all the little corner shops and butchers that are producing their own stock are being forced to close down because of the so called "Credit crunch" and people being forced to shop from Wal Mart and Asda and all these large "Controlled" companies. after everyone relies on shoping from asda and walmart from the food that is being shiped from china the govenrnment will come down hard.

I personally think people need to stop looking into the bad of it all and need to start looking into the more spiriual sides of ourselves! then we may truley understand why this is happeining to us! and then when the shift happens we will be prepared =D (and try transfering all the bad feelings you have for people into loveeeeee) =D


Well-Known Member
I personally think people need to stop looking into the bad of it all and need to start looking into the more spiriual sides of ourselves! then we may truley understand why this is happeining to us! and then when the shift happens we will be prepared =D (and try transfering all the bad feelings you have for people into loveeeeee) =D

I agree with this guy +rep to you man


Active Member
Imagine if every pot head just said FUCK THE GOVERMENT AND FUCK THE COPS and start smoking anywhere and everywhere we wanted? would they arrest all of us?

my friends and i already do this shit.... and we get arrested frequent so its not recommended haha unless you wanna spend 2 years in jail like i did


New Member
i compleatly agree. it is rediculous that weed is illigal! nothing can fix you like it can. all these usless tylonols and medicians can go to hell, because nothing cleares a shitty headeach, or nausea, or depression, or just in general feeling shitty like weed can. from my own self experience i can say that weed is better than any BS medical remedy.


Well-Known Member
Totally agree. Weed is a wonder drug as far as I'm concerned, but the governmetn has labeled under schedule one which means: high potential for abuse, NO medical value. Fuckin horseshit, makes me angry everytime I think about it. Luckily weed works good for being pissed off. bongsmilie much better now. Weed, is there anything you cant do.


Active Member
i say we need to revolt with force like fidel castro(not really lol jkin) but make weed and all not so dangerous drugs legal and make shit like oxycotton and what not banned because ive had 0 friend od and die of pot lsd shrooms and had over 10 friend od n die off oxycotton and other pills

i also live in the pill capital of the world cause of all the elderly aka florida


Well-Known Member
Lord help me accept those things I can;t change, or at least give me weed to deal with them
The way i look at things is...fuck the government, why do they chose what we can and cannot do? It's a free world and i mean FREE. The way i look at it is that the government is one big corporation, a STRONG one but thats all it is. We can make our own corporation or team and hell, do whatever the fuck we want but we got to be prepared to deal with the "government". The way we choose to deal with the government is up to you but I will always be against it. Its a free fucking world do WHATEVER the fuck you want to do, but most importantly ALWAYS BE UNDER THE INFLUENCE (of weed)

anyone else think like that?

A little off topic but has anyone thought about creating a Anti-Illumanati group? A group determined to bring down the government? It might seem futile..but potheads never cease to amaze me.


Active Member
The way i look at things is...fuck the government, why do they chose what we can and cannot do? It's a free world and i mean FREE. The way i look at it is that the government is one big corporation, a STRONG one but thats all it is. We can make our own corporation or team and hell, do whatever the fuck we want but we got to be prepared to deal with the "government". The way we choose to deal with the government is up to you but I will always be against it. Its a free fucking world do WHATEVER the fuck you want to do, but most importantly ALWAYS BE UNDER THE INFLUENCE (of weed)

anyone else think like that?

A little off topic but has anyone thought about creating a Anti-Illumanati group? A group determined to bring down the government? It might seem futile..but potheads never cease to amaze me.
just take a vay cay to mexico and do all the drugs you want haha dont drive across the border. fly
LOL man
we are getting oranges shiped from africa when we can grow them in our back garden! you cant see that all the little corner shops and butchers that are producing their own stock are being forced to close down because of the so called "Credit crunch" and people being forced to shop from Wal Mart and Asda and all these large "Controlled" companies. after everyone relies on shoping from asda and walmart from the food that is being shiped from china the govenrnment will come down hard.

I personally think people need to stop looking into the bad of it all and need to start looking into the more spiriual sides of ourselves! then we may truley understand why this is happeining to us! and then when the shift happens we will be prepared =D (and try transfering all the bad feelings you have for people into loveeeeee) =D

man ur right, i mean ppl just need a perspective shift and so much can change. ur mind is ur most powerful weapon but let it not be a weapon but a tool for our progress into peace. lol most hippiest ive ever sounded right there but it really is the truth. and i think all the naysayers of this original post are missing the point. really he is saying to me that he is sick of this way of life not that were not gunna work and all live a commune or anything. because just watch how much u can change just by using the goodness in ur heart each day with even the simplest acts. thats combined with determination of a few strong willed ppl change can happen it rly can. and as a last thought here: dont let the cynisim get you down cause theres always weed : ) peace


I 100% agree, this whole system is so messed up. The government and the corperations have trapped the general public and turned them into mindless drones who do everything their told, go to work M-F 9-5, and believe everything theyre told. What we need is another revolution, another sixties. The time has come for people to turn on, tune in and drop out.