The 2021 State of the Union, go Joe!

Was Biden's State of the Union Speech Great

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I love the approach the administration seems to be taking. It’s like Biden said fuck it, we are going all in on doing what’s right for the country.
Now is a time for boldness, it's one of those historic moments when the ground is shifting under our feet, Christa Freeland saw it coming years ago and other policy wonks with brains on both sides of the border did too. Reaganism/Thatcherism has run it's course and Joe is reaching over the heads of the republicans for the low hanging fruit. There is a difference between the parties and a new direction for the democrats, no one can say he isn't trying to make a difference. Whether he gets his agenda through is another matter, but it is more of a setup for 2022 and beyond than anything else.

The only platform the republicans have is whatever Donald pulls out of his ass and it looks like that fat ass might be in prison by the summer or fall, state or feds take yer pick.
He's gonna embarrass the young whipper snapper, I wonder if he'll mention how big his old man's balls were to Justin? :lol: I liked old Pierre one of my heroes, an in your face liberal, my style! He would have known how to deal with anti mask rallies and idiots. "Just watch me"! Razor wire motels... :lol:
Push up contest.
Justin is in real good shape an adept yoga guy too who can do some very difficult things. Joe would be better off with a battle of wits. Remember IQ is a quotient, your total score divided by your age, a useful fact to remind the young about at times... ;) Also a dirty trick to pull on your kids! :lol:
He's the one that wanted to do the contest. Im all for what he's doing with his position right now.. but I got 10 bucks that says Biden can't get past 5 push ups
He's the one that wanted to do the contest. Im all for what he's doing with his position right now.. but I got 10 bucks that says Biden can't get past 5 push ups
Joe is 78, he'll need an age handicap, Joe could beat Trump in the competition hands down, Donald would require assistance to get up after attempting one. They are both Catholics so they will be able to figure something out.
Joe is 78, he'll need an age handicap, Joe could beat Trump in the competition hands down, Donald would require assistance to get up after attempting one. They are both Catholics so they will be able to figure something out.
I imagine pence pulling a pulley thats attached to trump that rudy just fastened on him... while giving a thumbs up to say it's secure.
No way that fat bitch can do a pushup